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23 Maret 2024 22:01

It hasn't been purchased for a year, here are 9 portraits of the late Stevie Agnecya's luxurious new house equipped with an elevator

In mid-2023, the late Stevie Agnecya shared the moment she bought a new house. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
It hasn't been purchased for a year, here are 9 portraits of the late Stevie Agnecya's luxurious new house equipped with an elevator foto: Instagram/@steviagnecya

Brilio.net - Sad news is covering the Indonesian entertainment world. Celebrity and ex-wife of Samuel Rizal, Stevie Agnecya, died at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) on Thursday (31/3). Stevie's passing also caused deep sorrow for fellow celebrities.

In the eyes of his friends, Stevie is known as a kind person who often shares things. After officially divorcing from Samuel Rizal, she remarried a pilot named Anggi Pratama. From this marriage, Stevie was blessed with two sons.

It is also known that Stevie and Anggi recently bought a luxury house. This was uploaded on Stevie's Instagram page. In his caption, Stevie looks enthusiastic about immediately filling his new house with various furniture. But unfortunately, after less than a year of ownership, Stevie passed away.

What does Stevie's new house look like? Below, brilio.net summarizes nine portraits from Instagram @steviagnecya on Sunday (24/3).

1. In mid-2023, Stevie and her husband have just handed over the luxury house they bought. The house looks luxurious in a minimalist style.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

2. This is what the door looks like in Stevie's new house, which is designed with brown wood.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

3. As soon as you enter, you can immediately see the stairs area which provides access to the 2nd floor. The house looks spacious with large windows.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

4. Not only that, Stevie's new house is also equipped with an elevator. This is a portrait of her riding the elevator with her children and husband.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

5. The terrace on the 2nd floor of the house also looks spacious and can be used as a garden.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

6. The inside is still empty, but it looks cool because the ceiling is high. Apart from that, choosing neutral colors also makes the house look neat.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

7. The kitchen area is also equipped with a brown kitchen set and island table.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

8. Meanwhile, the bathroom area is no less spacious with a bathtub that faces directly outside the house.

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

9. This is the view from the 3rd floor of Stevie's new house. The house is really big, isn't it?

photo: Instagram/@steviagnecya

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