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4 September 2024 17:25

Indonesian children's numeracy level reached 67 percent, 7 efforts to improve children's numeracy skills from an early age

This ability is the basis that must be pursued in improving the quality of education and children's intelligence. Sri Jumiyarti Risno

Brilio.net - It is undeniable that education is an important thing that needs to be introduced to children . Not only moral, social, but academic education also needs to be taught to children from an early age. Including children's literacy and numeracy skills from an early age. This ability is the basis that must be pursued in improving the quality of education and children's intelligence.

Unfortunately, the numeracy level of Indonesian students is still considered to have not met expectations. Quoting from the Secretary of the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education, and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, Praptono, explained that there are still many things that need to be completed by the government in an effort to improve literacy and numeracy of the nation's children.

In addition, citing the results of the Ministry of Education's national assessment in 2023, it was found that the literacy rate of Indonesian children rose by 53% in 2021 to 67%. This has only reached the minimum competency, while the child's numeracy rate is from 33% to 67% in 2023.

Seeing the data is indeed a breath of fresh air, but it takes extra effort to improve children's literacy and numeracy. If examined, there are many programs to improve children's numeracy skills from an early age, including training for educators and more interactive learning materials.

Not only that, there are several other efforts that can be done to improve children's numeracy skills from an early age. To understand it better, let's see the complete review below, brilio.net adapted from various sources on Wednesday (4/9).

Efforts to improve children's numeracy skills from an early age.

photo: freepik.com

1. Use interactive learning methods.

Interactive learning methods, such as math games and manipulative-based activities can help children understand numeracy concepts in a fun way. Research shows that activities involving play can significantly improve children's math skills (Clements & Sarama, 2007). For example, using real objects such as small rocks or building blocks to teach number concepts and basic operations.

2. The role of parents in creating learning habits.

Generally, the first stimulation of a child comes from parents. As parents, you should practice creating a fun learning environment for children. For example, introduce numbers to children, and so on.

Training programs that focus on early math teaching strategies can improve your child's ability to teach numeracy concepts to children. These trainings often include ways to make math lessons more interesting and easier for children to understand.

3. Integration of numeracy in daily activities.

Involving numeracy in everyday activities, such as shopping or cooking, helps children see the application of mathematics in real contexts. For example, asking children to count the number of ingredients needed when cooking or determining the total price of goods when shopping. In addition, they can also count simple things like glasses, washing dishes and the like. It can help that these practical activities can improve children's understanding of mathematics.

4. Implementation of research-based learning strategies,

Research-based learning strategies, such as exploratory and problem-based learning models, where children are asked to solve simple problems. For example, addition, subtraction, and the like. As a result, it can improve children's understanding of the concept of numeracy.

According to the National Research Council, this approach prioritizes problem solving and active exploration, which has been proven effective in improving math skills. Basically, this model encourages children to think critically and investigate math concepts more deeply.

5. Create a positive learning environment.

A positive learning environment can help children feel more comfortable in learning mathematics. Research shows that a supportive environment, including positive reinforcement and adequate resources, can improve children's numeracy skills. For example, providing a quiet study space to interesting visual aids can make math lessons more interesting.

6. Involve the community in mathematics education.

Involving the community, including extracurricular activities that children can take part in to expand opportunities for learning mathematics outside the school environment. Through tutoring outside of school, it is enough to help children become smarter in the numeracy aspect. However, you need to remember that if your child is not interested, you should not force it but help your child recognize other potentials.

7. Numeracy-rich learning environment.

Well, a numeracy-rich environment is not only applied in schools. But it also needs to be applied in the home environment. Because, a numeracy-rich environment provides many resources that can be used to develop the child's numeracy. For example, children interact with various numeracy materials, including signs, posters, symbols, and even various other numeracy images.

Other examples of what can be done include:

a. Items around the child are arranged according to classification such as color, shape, size, and function.

b. Posters, pictures, symbols displayed on the walls as a reference for children's learning in facilitating children to develop numeracy skills.

c. Children are given the opportunity to display their numeracy-related work in their home and school environments.

d. Introduce various types of measuring instruments, for example, scales, height measuring instruments, measuring tapes, measuring cups, measuring spoons, or even time indicators such as digital and analog clocks, and so on.

e. Apart from that, you can also provide reading materials that support the development of children's numeracy skills. Don't forget, parents and teachers always accompany you and don't get scolded if you make a mistake. Continue to guide your child until he is proficient.

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