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9 Februari 2024 09:22

Husband goes to prison, woman confides in emotion at her own wedding reception, the ending makes you sad

The groom was arrested by the police shortly before the wedding. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Husband goes to prison, woman confides in emotion at her own wedding reception, the ending makes you sad foto: TikTok/@mocamuaja

Brilio.net - Everyone will agree that marriage is a decision to live happily with the person you have chosen. Getting married is a serious step that involves a commitment to share life with a partner and build a family foundation. These decisions are also often based on aspirations to achieve emotional satisfaction and achieve shared life goals.

This is also this woman's dream. But whatever, the ending that happened to their love relationship was not as expected. The story can be seen in the TikTok video posted by the account @mocamuaja, reported by brilio.net , Thursday (8/2).

The post shows a woman running a reception. However, there was no groom at the reception, but only family and friends taking photos. Even so, everyone present looked happy smiling .

photo: TikTok/@mocamuaja

It turned out that the groom was arrested by the police shortly before the wedding. The reason was not stated, what is clear is that the groom could only attend the wedding ceremony. Once finished, he must return to the police station and be detained there.

After the event was over, the woman often visited her husband at the police station. Although on several trips he went through many obstacles including accidents. Moreover, the police station and the woman's house are apparently not that close. She lives in Sangatta, the capital of East Kutai Regency, while her husband is detained at the Bontang Police, East Kalimantan.

The distance between Sangatta and Bontang is estimated to be 64.8 kilometers. So the predicted travel time to get there is 1 hour 40 minutes. If this is done every day for a week, it will certainly not be easy for the woman.

photo: TikTok/@mocamuaja

However, in the end the woman could not stand the pressure. She said she was tired of eating liver while her husband was in prison. The reason was not clearly stated, what is certain is that he filed for divorce at the local religious court. But in the post that followed, the woman admitted to being a victim of a man who is crazy about women and likes playing the victim.

Finally, she managed to divorce her husband, whose marriage was even younger than the age of corn. He took this decision to avoid the wrong people. At this moment, many netizens even suggested canceling the marriage rather than divorcing.

"As far as I know, if you haven't been married for 4 months, you can just cancel the KUA marriage, sis. Moreover, you haven't been touched yet," said the account @shinsya_.

Regulations regarding marriage annulment after the ceremony in Indonesia are regulated in several legal regulations. One of them is Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Article 22 of the law states that a marriage can be annulled in several situations, such as one of the parties is not competent to carry out the marriage, there is coercion, there is a legal defect when the marriage takes place, or one of the parties is already married to another person.

photo: TikTok/@mocamuaja

Parties who have the right to request an annulment of a marriage include the husband or wife, family in the direct line of descent, the marriage registrar, and the prosecutor's office. The marriage annulment process is regulated in Articles 24-28. The time limit for applying for an annulment after the marriage contract in Indonesia is 6 months from the time the marriage took place. This is regulated in Article 27 paragraph (1).

However, even though she took the divorce route, the woman admitted that she had no regrets . The woman said she was still young and there were still many good things waiting for her in the future.

"Still young, it's okay to fail, maybe this is a form of reprimand from Allah for me. I don't regret it at all, even though many hearts have been hurt, tears have been shed. God willing, after experiencing all this there will be good things to come and a good soul mate too, amen ," he wrote in the caption.

photo: TikTok/@mocamuaja

From the time the post was uploaded until this article was written, the @mocamuaja account has gathered 101.5 thousand viewers. Apart from that, there are also thousands of likes and several comments.

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