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11 Maret 2024 07:00

How to withdraw money from BCA bank with a large nominal amount, the limit is up to IDR 100 million

Avoid taking large amounts of money at night. Brilio.net
How to withdraw money from BCA bank with a large nominal amount, the limit is up to IDR 100 million liputan6.com/Angga Yuniar; liputan6.com/Johan Tallo

Brilio.net - Almost everyone who has ever saved in a bank knows how to withdraw money. This can be done through ATMs, tellers, or at outlets such as Indomaret and Alfamaret. However, if the nominal amount of money you want to withdraw is very large, you definitely cannot do it carelessly.

There is a method or procedure that must be followed if you want to withdraw up to hundreds of millions in cash . Because there are banks that provide a withdrawal limit of IDR 100 million. An example is BCA bank (Bank Central Asia).

However, there is a procedure for withdrawing money from BCA bank with a large nominal amount. For example, you need to complete several requirements and ask for approval from BCA bank first.

So, what are the conditions and procedures for withdrawing large amounts of money from BCA? Check out the explanation, brilio.net summarized from various sources on Monday (11/3).

photo: freepik.com

The need for large amounts of money does not occur often. However, for some people, this very large amount of money can be used to meet urgent needs, such as business or other needs.

- Contact the bank (BCA) first.

Make sure you contact the bank a few days before taking the money. Later, the bank will provide guidance on how to carry out very large money transactions.

- It is best to carry out the money withdrawal process in the morning until noon.

Why is that? Because taking money at night is more prone to crime, compared to morning until noon which is actually busy.

- The deadline for BCA cash withdrawals is 23.00 WIB.

If you need a large amount of money after that time, it's better to postpone it to the next day. Or wait until morning.

- Bring a companion when carrying large amounts of cash.

The companion you bring is really needed to accompany you during the trip. If there is something dangerous, you don't need to worry. You can also ask for escort assistance from the police, if needed.

- Prepare a safe storage place.

Very large amounts of money are certainly very dangerous if placed without security. So, you can prepare a safe or other similar storage box. Make sure it fits all your money.

(intern/Zidan Fajri)

How to withdraw money from BCA bank with a large nominal amount.

photo: freepik.com

1. Withdraw cash via bank teller.

- Please contact BCA bank first.

It would be better if you contact the bank. That you want to make a cash withdrawal in the near future. You can contact BCA bank at 1500888, or via the official BCA bank website at https://www.bca.co.id/id

- Come to the nearest BCA bank branch office.

Don't forget to bring personal identification such as your KTP/SIM/PASPORT card, along with your ATM card and account book. This identity is useful for verifying personal data with the data in the account you are referring to.

- Take a queue number.

However, usually customers who want to withdraw large amounts of money will be directed to a separate queue.

- Please fill in the cash withdrawal form with a large nominal amount.

You can pick up the form at the bank teller desk. If you are confused about how to top up, you can ask a bank officer for help.

- Give the withdrawal form along with your identity card to the teller.

The teller will verify the data and continue the next transaction process.

- Wait for the money to be prepared by the officer.

Tellers and other officers will check the amount of money first to avoid mistakes.

- If the money has been handed over, count it again.

Make sure you double check the money you have received. Calculate slowly in detail.

- Please bring and store the money safely.

2. Withdraw cash via the Cash on Demand (COD) service.

photo: freepik.com

- Please contact BCA bank first.

You can contact BCA bank at 1500888 or via the official BCA bank website at https://www.bca.co.id/id. Tell them that you want to make a large nominal money withdrawal transaction using the COD method.

- Provide information on how much money you want to withdraw.

When conveying information about the nominal amount, prepare it and submit your identification. If you are asked to fill out a form, please fill it in first.

- A bank officer will immediately come to you with the amount of cash you want to withdraw.

- Before receiving the money, bank officers will check your personal data for the verification process.

Don't forget to prepare personal identity documents such as your KTP/SIM/PASPORT card, ATM card and account book.

- Sign proof of the COD cash withdrawal process.

Proof of signature will later be stored by the bank to be used as documentation.

- Please bring and store money safely.

3. Withdraw cash via ATM (Automated Teller Machine).

photo: pixabay.com

- You can withdraw money at BCA ATM machines with the cash withdrawal feature.

Make sure you look for an ATM location that provides a cash withdrawal feature, because not all machines have this feature. Look for information on the location of the ATM on the official BCA bank website.

- Enter the BCA ATM card along with the ATM pin code.

- Select the "cash withdrawal" menu.

- Fill in the nominal amount of money you want to withdraw cash.

- Check first whether the transaction data is valid or not. If so, press "confirm" on the screen.

- Wait until all the money comes out of the ATM machine.

- First calculate the nominal amount of money that comes out of the ATM machine.

- Please collect, carry and store money safely.

photo: pixabay.com

That's how to withdraw money from BCA bank with a large nominal amount, the limit is up to IDR 100 million. The hope is that the large nominal amount of money can meet your needs. Be careful and be aware of the threat of criminality which often targets large amounts of money. Hopefully this information is useful, OK?

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