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29 Agustus 2024 12:45

How to move polling stations for the 2024 regional elections, understand the terms and conditions

This situation may affect the polling place you are registered to vote at. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
How to move polling stations for the 2024 regional elections, understand the terms and conditions sumber HL: freepik.com

Brilio.net - The 2024 simultaneous regional elections will soon be held, and as citizens, choosing regional head candidates at the local Polling Station (TPS) is our right and obligation. This regional election is an important moment to determine the future of our region. However, for those of you who have moved from your previously registered address, it is important to know how to move TPS so that you can still exercise your right to vote smoothly. Given how important the right to vote is in the democratic process, make sure you understand the terms and conditions for moving TPS so that your vote remains valid and meaningful in the 2024 regional elections.

When facing simultaneous regional elections, you may face a situation where your residence has changed since the last election. This situation can affect the polling station registered for you. Therefore, it is important to take care of the TPS transfer properly so that you can vote in a location that matches your new domicile. By understanding the procedures and requirements for changing TPS, you will ensure that your voting rights are maintained and there are no problems when election day arrives.

Moving polling stations is not just a matter of changing addresses, but also involves several administrative matters that must be fulfilled. If you have moved your domicile, you need to update your population data and take care of the transfer of polling stations by following the applicable provisions. This aims to ensure that all voter data remains accurate and the election can run effectively. For this reason, here is in-depth information about the factors causing the transfer of polling stations and how to take care of it for the 2024 Pilkada.

Factors causing TPS to move

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1. Moving domicile due to work

One of the common reasons people move TPS is because of a change in job location. Many people are forced to move domicile because of job assignments in different locations. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), worker mobility is often the main cause of changes in residence that require updating TPS data (BPS, 2024).

2. Changing domicile for educational reasons

Another reason that often causes a change in TPS is moving due to study. Students who continue their education in a different city or region often need to update their address so that they are recorded in the TPS that corresponds to their place of residence during their study period. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture, students who move domicile must report their change of address for administrative and election purposes (Kemendikbud, 2024).

3. Changing domicile for other personal reasons

Some people may move for other personal reasons, such as marriage, health conditions, or family changes. These changes require updating of population and TPS data to maintain voting rights. This is regulated in Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections, which requires voters to update their population data according to their most recent place of residence (Law No. 7 of 2017).

How to move polling stations for the 2024 regional elections

photo: freepik.com

1. Conditions for moving polling stations

To move polling stations, you need to meet several main requirements. First, make sure you are registered on the Permanent Voters List (DPT) at the KPU. Next, prepare supporting documents such as an Identity Card (KTP) showing your new address and proof of change of domicile such as a certificate from the RT/RW or sub-district (KPU, 2024). In addition, make sure the data in the TPS transfer application form matches your personal data and latest address.

2. Procedure for moving polling stations

In Detail The first step in the process of moving polling stations is to visit the Kelurahan or Sub-district office in your new place of residence and submit a request to move polling stations. You will be asked to fill out a polling station transfer form provided by the officer. After that, the Kelurahan or Sub-district office will process your request and issue a TPS transfer certificate. This letter must then be submitted to the local KPU to update voter data on the DPT (KPU, 2024). Make sure to complete all the necessary documents so that the process runs smoothly.

3. Required documentation

Documents required to move TPS include:

- KTP with new address
- Certificate of change of domicile from RT/RW or sub-district
- Family Card (KK) if there are any changes
- Completed TPS transfer application form (KPU, 2024)

It is important to take care of all these documents properly and on time. Usually, the process of moving TPS must be done several weeks before the election day so that your data can be processed and updated in the DPT.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your voting rights remain intact even if you change your residence. Make sure you comply with all applicable terms and conditions to avoid any problems when election day arrives.

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