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18 Februari 2024 07:00

How to make money from Facebook for students, it's easy but you have to be consistent

Can create additional income. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
How to make money from Facebook for students, it's easy but you have to be consistent headline: Freepik/@jannoon028, Freepik

Brilio.net - In the current era of technological progress, many students are taking advantage of various digital platforms to earn extra money. One common habit is to use the internet as a medium to carry out various activities that generate income. The internet and gadgets have become important instruments for students to make extra money.

One digital platform that can be used to make money is Facebook. Playing Facebook is not just for entertainment, but is also a way for students to hone business skills and expand their social networks. Facebook has many features that can be used optimally to make money, you can sell and post interesting content.

This time brilio.net will invite you to find out how to make money from Facebook for students. Even though people are aware that social media can be a way to collect money, few people understand how to maximize Facebook to make extra money. Apart from having to be tenacious and diligent in promoting, there are other ways that you can use to make sales online using Facebook.

Apart from selling on Facebook , there are several ways you need to try to earn money from Facebook. You can also use several features available on Facebook to help you earn money from this social media, as summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Saturday (17/2)

1. Use the Facebook Ads service

photo: Freepik

One of the features provided by Facebook is Facebook Ads, with this feature you can use it to maximize content or sales on Facebook. Creating Facebook Ads requires capital. Because, Facebook Ads are advertisements shown to users on Facebook. However, Facebook Ads have many advantages. Starting from determining specific advertising targets, remarketing, to collecting leads. Apart from that, Facebook Ads provide convenience for its users, one of which is the ease of compiling information about who the target customers are, the amount of budget for advertising and setting ad formats.

2. Create interesting content

photo: Freepik/rawpixel.com

To be able to utilize and maximize Facebook Ads, you can create interesting content according to your interests in the field and current trends. By creating interesting content, you can be sure that many people will like your account and you will become better known. The aim of creating interesting content that is in line with the latest trends is to build closeness and popularity so that later your Facebook account will have the power to sell products more widely.

3. Using groups and fanpages to sell

photo: Freepik

Another way to get money from Facebook is to use fanpages or groups. The difference that is quite striking when you sell on Facebook compared to other social media is that there are special groups that can be created according to the interests and interests of its users. This group or fanpage will focus more on the niche and interests of the products to be sold. Through groups and fanpages, it will be easier for you to target targets.

4. Facebook marketing pages

photo: Freepik

Facebook Marketing Pages can be used to manage your business efficiently so that it has a significant impact in the future. You can upload photos, videos and other types of promotions that can attract customers' attention. Facebook Marketing Pages was created as a mobile application for Android and iOS that can help you sell online. With Facebook Marketing Pages, you have your own profile page for your business and can do marketing, reach customers and create a branding campaign for a product.

5. Create a group with paid membership

photo: Freepik/@jcomp

Paid membership is similar to an online class which can only be accessed by users who have made a payment. This method can help you to earn money from Facebook by opening paid groups. For example, if you have makeup skills with various concepts, then you can open a paid class to join that group. You can explore your expertise in what field to be able to create this group.

6. Providing sponsorship or paid promotion services

photo: Freepik/@tirachardz

You can earn money from Facebook when you have lots of followers or friends. This method is almost the same as how to make money from Instagram because the two are related. You can collaborate with brands or product owners to carry out promotions on your Facebook account with the size of the service adjusted to the number of your followers.

7. Providing fanpage management services

photo: Freepik

You can offer to manage fanspages or personal Facebook accounts of important figures. From this fanpage management service, of course you can offer monthly fees according to your agreement and workload. This fanpage management service includes finding the right content, creating content according to needs, posting, and building closeness with followers so as to increase brand or company engagement.

8. Like service provider

photo: Freepik/@makistock

The large number of likes on a Facebook post will increase the value of a post. This is because likes from other users are an indicator that the post is useful and reached by many people. So opening a service provider to increase likes is a potential business that can be tried via Facebook.

9. Offer entrustment services

photo: Freepik/@jcomp

The large number of likes on a Facebook post will increase the value of a post. This is because likes from other users are an indicator that the post is useful and reached by many people. So opening a service provider to increase likes is a potential business that can be tried via Facebook.

10. Become an affiliate

photo: Freepik/@drobotdean

You can join affiliate programs and promote certain products or services through posts or reviews on Facebook. When buyers use the affiliate link provided in your account to purchase the product, you will automatically earn a commission from the sale.

11. Offer paid consulting or mentorship

photo: Freepik/@jcomp

For those of you who are skilled in a particular field, such as mathematics, language, or technical skills, you can offer consulting or guidance services to others via Facebook. You can make posts about the services you can offer and attract the interest of potential clients.

12. Create paid content

photo: Freepik/@rawpixel.com

If you have skills in content creation, such as funny videos, tutorials, or other creative content, you might consider creating paid content and selling it to fans or potential customers through Facebook. This is another alternative, besides Facebook Ads.

13. Participate in contests or competitions

photo: Freepik/@kues1

Some companies or communities may hold contests or competitions on Facebook that offer cash or in-kind prizes. You can take part in the contest and try to win it to get prizes. You can search for information on contests or competitions in any field on Facebook, adjust it to the field you are good at so you can win and get prizes.

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