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1 Maret 2024 04:40

How to get rid of lust during Ramadan fasting, help you maintain your worship

Worshiping in the month of Ramadan has many virtues, so you have to be consistent in maintaining it. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
How to get rid of lust during Ramadan fasting, help you maintain your worship foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - Ramadan fasting is one of the moments that every Muslim in the world is waiting for. In the month of Ramadan all rewards will be doubled and Allah SWT opens the door of mercy and blessings in worship for his people.

Worshiping in the month of Ramadan does have many advantages, so you must be consistent to take care of it. In addition, when fasting, not a few people look for ways to get rid of lust so as not to damage the worship practices performed.

Following lust will only bring bad influence when fasting and of course this is forbidden by Allah SWT. As explained in Al-Qur'an surah Thoha verse 16.

"So do not be turned away from (the Resurrection) by those who do not believe in it and by those who follow their desires (lusts), which cause you to perish."

For that, it is important to understand and know how to get rid of lust during Ramadan fasting . But if you are still having a hard time and are confused about how to get rid of lust, here is how to get rid of lust during Ramadan fasting, compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Thursday (29/2).

1. Intention and pray to Allah SWT.

photo: freepik.com

When fasting in the month of Ramadan, don't forget to always express your intention to control your desires and pray to Allah SWT to give you strength and protection from temptation. If your faith and intentions are strong, then lust can slowly disappear while fasting during Ramadan. Apart from that, intending and praying to Allah SWT is also one of the acts of worship that you can practice every day.

2. Control your thoughts while fasting.

photo: freepik.com

Try to always control your thoughts during the month of Ramadan. Direct your thoughts to positive and useful things, such as reading the Koran, doing dhikr, or listening to studies during the month of Ramadan.

3. Maintain the environment and habits.

photo: freepik.com

Always maintain your environment and habits when fasting during Ramadan. Avoid environments that can cause lust and avoid habits that do not support worship during the Ramadan fast. By maintaining a good and useful environment and habits during Ramadan fasting, this will shape you into a better person in the future.

4. Maintain your eating pattern when breaking the fast and sahur.

photo: freepik.com

Try to maintain your diet during Ramadan fasting. Make sure not to overeat at dawn and breaking the fast. A balanced diet can help control appetite. Because actually lust can come from anywhere during the month of Ramadan.

5. Maintain social interaction.

photo: freepik.com

When fasting during Ramadan, try to maintain good social interactions. Interact with people who can have a positive influence and support each other to protect yourself from the temptation of lust during the month of Ramadan. You can also be more selective in choosing people or groups to interact with when you want to worship.

6. Increase worship.

photo: freepik.com

Even though lust is very likely to disturb you, by increasing your worship during the Ramadan fast you can eliminate the temptation of lust. You can increase your worship during Ramadan fasting by reading the Koran, praying sunnah prayers, and giving alms every day.

7. Distract.

photo: freepik.com

Try to be clever at diverting attention to positive and productive hobbies and activities. By diverting your attention, you don't have time and give your desires the opportunity to control your thoughts during the Ramadan fast. Diverting your attention will also help you to know useful things you can do during Ramadan fasting and of course you will get rewards from Allah SWT.

8. Build positive thinking.

photo: freepik.com

Always think about positive and beneficial things for yourself during Ramadan fasting. Developing positive thinking helps you to eliminate lust during Ramadan fasting. Apart from that, this also has a good impact on your life after the month of Ramadan because it will form into a habit.

9. Control yourself to know your limits.

photo: freepik.com

Apart from controlling your thoughts, when you want to get rid of your desires, you also need to control yourself so you know your limits when fasting during Ramadan. Such as holding back emotions and the desire to eat and drink during the day. By controlling yourself, you can indirectly eliminate your desires. Try to train yourself to get used to doing good and useful things.

10. Look for friends to support each other.

photo: freepik.com

You can find and invite friends to worship together during the Ramadan fast. This will help you to be consistent and protect yourself from lust during the month of Ramadan. When you get support from friends, you will be more enthusiastic about worshiping and controlling your desires.

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