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10 Maret 2016 15:00

How to fight against the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle

The largest part of humanity has for centuries lead a sedentary lifestyle, and still does so today. Celia Tholozan
How to fight against the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle © healthyheartforall.in

Brilio.net/en - Despite the exact figure not being quite accurate, less than 20% of the population is apparently living a nomadic lifestyle. The largest part of humanity has for centuries lead a sedentary lifestyle, and still does so today.

Recently, the World Health Organisation discussed the sedentary lifestyle referring to the lack of physical activity that has reached our societies and even referring to it as a disease, the greatest of our century.

Studies have indeed shown that as soon as one sits on a sofa, a chair or a car, the body reacts: the blood circulation slows down (at the leg level in particular), the muscles burn less fat and the insulin (the hormone that regulates the sugar rate in our blood) increases. While all those changes may seem insignificant on a day to day basis, they will a long term negative effects on our overall well-being According to a recent Australian study, for one hour spent in front of TV one loses twenty-two minutes of life while smoking a cigarette will be equivalent in losing eleven minutes

So maybe practicing sports on a regular basis could be the ideal solution? Unfortunately, its not that easy. Even if sports are essential to our health, it is not enough to compensate for the long hours we spend in the sitting position. The good news on the other hand, is that the solution is quite simple to apply. It turns out that the perfect remedy is walking, just a little bit, but every single day. Take advantage of any situation to get your body moving and not remain in the same position in general, because this is the core problem and the causes of all troubles: staying in the same position (except lying down to sleep) is not natural. This is why the World Health Organisations report recommends you to set an alarm, every half an hour being the ideal rhythm, and take a walk for a minimum of two minutes. This exercise as simple as it seems, would allow the blood move and thus regulate blood pressure and make the arteries more pliable? The advantage of this seemingly insignificant technique is the loss of weight!

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