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27 Februari 2024 00:01

How to exchange new money at the bank for Eid, no need to wait until Hari Raya approaches

You don't need to wait for Eid to exchange new money at the bank. Brilio.net
How to exchange new money at the bank for Eid, no need to wait until Hari Raya approaches foto: pixabay.com dan freepik.com

Brilio.net - Eid is usually celebrated with the tradition of giving out THR or giving out money to relatives. This tradition is something to look forward to, especially for children. To enliven this tradition, people usually exchange old money for new printed money to share with relatives. The habit of exchanging money ahead of Eid has become a culture carried out by people to welcome Eid.

Preparing new cash can be interpreted as a symbol of happiness and blessings shared with relatives. There are many ways you can exchange new money. Before Eid, there are usually people who open impromptu exchange services on the street. But to be safe, you can carry out the process of exchanging new money at various places such as banks, money changers, or through online services. However, you also need to pay attention to the terms and conditions that apply to exchanging new money.

Some of you must be very unfamiliar with how to exchange new money at the bank. For those of you who have only been exchanging money on the side of the road or even just collecting new money in preparation for Eid, you need to know how to exchange new money at the bank.

The advantages we get from exchanging new money at the bank include the money we get according to the nominal amount we exchange. Therefore, for those of you who want to save costs, exchanging new money at the bank is the best solution.

By knowing how to exchange new money at the bank, you can prepare cash early and efficiently. Faster preparation will increase comfort and smoothness during the Eid holiday.

Here's how to exchange money at the bank, in preparation for Eid, reported by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (26/2).

How to exchange money at the bank online and offline.

photo : pixabay.com

You can exchange new money at the bank via online or offline methods. That way, you can choose one method when you want to exchange new cash according to your current situation and conditions. If you understand the use of digital applications, of course the online method is much more effective because you only have to go to the bank to withdraw the money without having to queue for a long time.

For those of you who don't want the hassle of using the application, you can still exchange money by going directly to the bank. You just need to pay attention to the terms and conditions for exchanging money at the bank. Next, you will be guided in exchanging money at the bank location you are going to.

(mgg/Robiul Adil Robani)

How to exchange new money at the bank online.

photo : freepik.com

This way of exchanging money is done through the official website which is included in the services of Bank Indonesia, namely, intelligent.bi.go.id. Here's how to exchange new money at the bank online:

1. Open the PINTAR website, type the address https://pintar.bi.go.id
2. Choose a place to exchange money via mobile cash according to the province closest to you.
3. If there is an exchange schedule, the mobile cash location and date will appear, choose one.
4. Fill in the order data including: NIK-KTP, name, telephone number and email according to the columns on the website.
5. Fill in the amount of rupiah that will be exchanged via mobile cash according to the sheet/piece you want (the rules can be read on the PINTAR website).
6. Place an order to get proof of ordering money exchange services via mobile cash.

How to exchange new money at the bank offline.

photo : pixabay.com

You can exchange old money for new money directly at the bank. Here's how to exchange new money at the bank directly:

1. Go to a mobile cash machine or service provider bank.
2. Ask the officer or security guard to direct you on how to exchange new money.
3. Wait for the call according to the queue after you take the queue number.
4. Approach the teller who calls your number, convey your need to exchange money according to the amount and details of how many notes/pieces you want.
5. Provide the exchange requirements requested by the teller such as personal identity, account number, etc.
6. Hand over the large denomination money to exchange it for smaller denomination money.
7. Wait for the teller to call you back and you will be given the new money you want.

Conditions for exchanging new money at the bank.

photo : merdeka.com/Darmadi Sasongko

You must know the conditions for exchanging money at the bank. The only requirements are a personal identity card such as an ID card and cash to be exchanged. Understand that you can only use the card you have for one exchange. Then you can read the criteria for money that you can exchange on the official BI website, https://pintar.bi.go.id. These provisions also explain damage and other requirements.

Apart from your identity and the money you carry, you also need to understand that there are restrictions on exchanging money. Banks cannot process when you only exchange small amounts of money. This is related to the regulations of each bank where new money is exchanged. You can of course ask the officer about this limitation before you exchange money.

Safer than exchanging money at a roadside exchange service.

photo : merdeka.com/Arie Sunaryo

You certainly often see people exchanging money on the side of the road. Roadside money exchange services can help people exchange money without having to deal with it at the bank. But this method of exchanging money also has many drawbacks. Even though exchanging money at the bank seems more complicated, in fact the money you get is guaranteed to be authentic. Apart from guaranteed genuine money, you are not subject to deductions when exchanging your money at the bank.

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