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16 Februari 2024 23:00

How to exchange money at Mandiri Bank, easy and practical

You can exchange cash in denominations from IDR 2000 to IDR 20,000 without needing to register first. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
How to exchange money at Mandiri Bank, easy and practical headline: bankmandiri.co.id, Freepik/@vecstock

Brilio.net - Banks are one of the places to go when you want to save or borrow money, because they provide various services that can be accessed by anyone who is already a customer. Usually, as the holiday season approaches, people's enthusiasm for making financial preparations increases. Banks across the country provide money exchange services in a fast and efficient process, ensuring that people are prepared for their sudden financial needs.

The service of exchanging money at banks is something that people use to meet their needs, this could be to prepare for the Eid holiday or to pay employees' salaries, usually requiring denominations. With this service, existing banks will improve their quality and service systems so that people feel comfortable and remain customers.

One of the banks that provides money exchange services is Bank Mandiri, they provide money exchange services for customers and non-customers so this applies to anyone by visiting the Bank Mandiri branch office in your city. For those of you who want to exchange money at Bank Mandiri, you can exchange cash in denominations from IDR 2000 to IDR 20,000 without needing to register first.

However, usually, Bank Mandiri has a limit on the number of people and money exchanged. In 2023, Bank Mandiri will set an exchange limit of around 100 people per day with the condition that each person can only exchange up to 100 shares per dominion. The money you can exchange is perfect quality (HCS) banknotes from the 2022 issue.

Before exchanging money at Bank Mandiri, you must know and understand how to exchange it so that it is easy and practical, brilio.net has summarized it from various sources on Friday (16/2).

Types of money exchange at Bank Mandiri

photo: Freepik

At Bank Mandiri, there are several types of money exchange available to meet customer needs in exchanging currency. The following are several types of money exchange that are commonly carried out at Bank Mandiri:

1. Foreign currency exchange (foreign exchange)

Bank Mandiri provides foreign currency exchange services for customers who need foreign currency for travel or other international transactions. Customers can exchange domestic currency (for example Rupiah) with foreign currency such as US Dollars, Euros, Japanese Yen and other currencies.

2. Purchase of foreign currency with a debit/credit card

Bank Mandiri customers can use their debit or credit cards to make foreign currency purchases at the bank. This transaction allows customers to obtain foreign currency directly via ATM or other electronic payment facilities.

3. Exchange of banknotes and coins

Bank Mandiri also provides exchange services for domestic banknotes and coins (Rupiah) in various denominations. Customers can exchange their cash for smaller or larger denominations as needed.

4. Exchange of certain denominations

Sometimes, customers need specific cash denominations for certain purposes. Bank Mandiri can fulfill this request by providing the desired denomination of money, both in foreign currency and Rupiah.

5. Exchange money at an ATM machine

Apart from services at branch offices, Bank Mandiri customers can also exchange cash at ATM machines available in various locations. The ATM machine provides money exchange services in foreign currency and Rupiah.

How to exchange money at Bank Mandiri

photo: Freepik/@benzoix

There are several ways to exchange money at Bank Mandiri, you can choose the one that you think is easy and comfortable:

1. Branch office: Visit the nearest Bank Mandiri branch office. Go to the cashier or customer service department to exchange money.

2. ATM Machines: Several Bank Mandiri ATMs also provide money exchange services. You can choose the appropriate option in the available menu.

3. Mandiri online/mobile banking: Through online banking services or mobile banking, you may be able to carry out currency exchange transactions.

4. Money changer (certain exchange rate): Several Bank Mandiri branches also have foreign currency exchange services that you can use.

Steps to exchange money at Bank Mandiri

photo: Freepik/@cookie_studio

With various types of money exchange services available at Bank Mandiri, customers can easily meet their needs regarding domestic and foreign currency quickly and efficiently. You can take the following steps so you don't get confused when you want to arrive at Bank Mandiri:

1. First, prepare the two initial requirements as we said, namely the SIM/KTP and money to exchange.

2. If so, all you have to do is go to the nearest Mandiri Bank office in your area.

3. Then after arriving, immediately take the queue number to meet the bank teller.

4. Please wait for the queue number to be called.

5. When called, please approach the teller as called and say you want to exchange new money.

6. State the denomination or provide a sheet of paper containing details of the new currency denomination you wish to exchange along with the nominal amount in each denomination.

7. Wait for the teller to prepare the new nominal denomination.

8. You managed to get new money in small denominations

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