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14 Juli 2024 17:00

Get to know the Secret Service, Donald Trump's bodyguard in the Pennsylvania shooting incident

Secret Service members will receive a starting salary of around IDR 789 million per year. Muhammad Rizki Yusrial
Get to know the Secret Service, Donald Trump's bodyguard in the Pennsylvania shooting incident

Brilio.net - An incident that almost eliminated one of the political figures has just occurred in the United States. Donald Trump , shot while campaigning in Pennsylvania on Saturday afternoon local time. He was reportedly fine, but his right ear appeared to be covered in blood when the incident occurred.

Just moments after delivering his speech, 5 gunshots were heard. Trump then looked down behind the podium. Quickly, members of the Secret Service protected Trump and took him off the stage.

The shooter was also reported to have died on the spot. It is known that the suspect was shot and killed by members of the Secret Service counterattack team. Currently, the motive for the shooting is still being investigated by the FBI.

photo: secretservice.gov

However, what exactly is the Secret Service? What are the authority and responsibilities? Please read this article until the end. The following is an explanation about the Secret Service compiled by brilio.net on Sunday (14/7).

What is the Secret Service?

The Secret Service is a law enforcement agency under the Department of Homeland Security. If translated into Indonesian, this agency is called the Secret Service. Reporting from secretservice.gov, they were formed in (1865) and were actually tasked with stopping criminals who counterfeit money. However, now its authority has been expanded to include agents who protect presidents, including former president Donald Trump.

Under the Constitution, former presidents of the United States are granted lifetime protection. This protection covers former presidents and their spouses, as well as their children reaching a certain age. Secret service coverage for former presidents is funded by the federal government and is considered part of the benefits provided upon leaving office.

photo: merdeka.com

Duties and Authorities of the Secret Service

Not only protecting the President and Vice President, they also protect leaders of other countries who are visiting the US. If Donald Trump were not a former president, he would still receive protection from this institution because the Secret Service's authority also protects presidential candidates running for election.

In addition, one of the Secret Services was also asked to secure buildings and other spaces used by US leaders. They have highly trained snipers to protect large spaces using special equipment and surveillance.

Secret Service selection process

To become a member of this secret agent, a person must meet quite strict qualifications. These qualifications include US citizenship, at least 21 years of age when applying and under 27 years of age when receiving a conditional job offer, to continue the application process.

In addition to file issues, candidates must also have uncorrected binocular visual acuity of no worse than 20/100. Apart from that, members of this agent cannot have tattoos all over their body. Applicants must also pass a drug screen, complete a polygraph test and agree to work worldwide.

Furthermore, every prospective member of the Secret Service must have firearms skills and the legal right to own a firearm. Applicants who have been convicted of domestic violence will definitely be excluded because they do not meet the requirements.

Applicants must pass a hearing screening as measured by an audiometer, not exceeding 25 decibels (ASA or ISO equivalent) in either ear in the 500, 1000, and 2000 Hz ranges.

photo: AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Secret Service salary

If you have passed the selection to become a member of the Secret Service, that person will receive a starting salary of around IDR 789 million per year. This figure does not include allowances and other benefits. This salary may increase as your level increases during work.

Reporting from wrightusa.com, currently there are more than 6,500 members of the Secret Service. Apart from that, they are also often assisted by a dog unit of the Bergian Malinois type, a small dog breed from the Netherlands. all agents are trained for 11 weeks at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in the areas of law, firearms, defensive tactics and report writing. An additional 16 weeks of training is required once they arrive in Washington, DC, which includes advanced driving techniques, physical protection, and detection of counterfeit money and credit card fraud.

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