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9 Desember 2016 13:33

Faces Of Jakarta: Psychologist Rosdiana Setyaningrum

Find out why snacking is one of the best stress-relief methods. Retno Wulandari
Faces Of Jakarta: Psychologist Rosdiana Setyaningrum Rosdiana Setyaningrum (Photo: Brilio.net/Retno Wulandari)

Brilio.net/en - Millennials are among the most stress-vulnerable generation of all time, according to a recent study by the American Psychological Association. Twelve percent of millennials in the US are diagnosed with anxiety disorders, while Baby Boomers scored only have of that percentage. A different study also shows 30 percent of millennial employees suffer from anxiety.

Rosdiana Setyaningrum, a Jakarta-based psychologist who co-founded the Heartsprings Therapy Center, has dealt with plenty of such cases in her line of work, and took the time to discuss stress-prevention methods with Brilio.

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The millennial generation is a stress-prone generation. According to your experience, what are the main causes of stress among young Indonesians?

The causes may vary, ranging from workloadat the office and in school, problems with their partner, family, and friends, to other more severe causes, such as a break up, a divorce, financial issues, dysfunction families, and much more. Young couples are also prone to stress and building a family is not as easy as it seems, especially when having their first baby. It turns their lives around and they can spiral down into stress.

Whats the best advice for millennials to stay calm duringstressful days?

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There are many stress-preventing activities that they can choose. Sports is one of the best options. Go with any sport you like, such as running, swimming, gymnastics, or maybe even sporting games like basketballs, futsal or tennis. Meditation, yoga, and pilates can also work well to relieve stress.

If you're anextroverted person, try to meet and mingle with friends and have fun. But if youre more of an introverted one, you can enjoy yourself by reading good books or playing with your pets. Or, you can also do the easiest thing to reduce stress: snacking.

Why snacking?

Snacking is one of many activities that will satisfy our senses, such as the sense of touch when we grab the food, the sense of smell when we smell the foods aroma, the sense of sight when the food looks tempting, and the sense of taste when the food is delicious taste. When our senses are satisfied, it will sendstimuli to our brains to feel more relaxed and stress-free. Its the same as getting a massage in a spa, for example. All of our senses are spoiled.

But one thing to keep in mind, have those snacks wisely. Choose your snacks carefully and be sure that your snack contains healthy ingredients. Its okay to indulge yourself with chips, cakes, and ice cream sometimes, but dont overdo it.

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