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28 Februari 2024 05:00

Examples of good school work programs to increase grades and credibility

A good school work program should provide adequate support, continuous training, and opportunities for professional development. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
Examples of good school work programs to increase grades and credibility foto: freepik.com

Brilio.net - An example of a good school work program for students and teachers is a program that provides a safe, inclusive learning environment and encourages personal and academic development. Students must be provided access to adequate resources, including textbooks , laboratory equipment, and educational technology.

The curriculum should cover a wide range of subjects and provide students with opportunities to learn through hands-on experiences, projects, and collaboration. In addition, a good school work program should support the development of students' social and emotional skills, such as cooperation, leadership, and tolerance.

Then, an example of a good school work program must provide adequate support, continuous training, and opportunities to develop professionally. Teachers also need to be given autonomy in curriculum preparation, teaching methods and student assessment. Support in the form of facilities and resources is also important to assist teachers in achieving educational goals.

An example of a good school work program should also promote open communication between students, teachers and parents, and create a school culture that values diversity and respects others. Thus, an example of a good school work program for students and teachers is one that encourages growth, independence and diversity in a positive and inclusive learning environment.

As brilio.net summarized from various sources, Tuesday (27/2), the following is an example of a good school work program to increase grades and credibility.

Characteristics of a good school program.

photo: freepik.com

1. Clear vision and goals.

Examples of good school work programs have a clear vision and goals to achieve academic excellence and holistic student development.

2. Strong leadership.

The principal and program managers have strong leadership and are able to inspire and provide clear direction to all staff and students.

3. Relevant curriculum.

Examples of good school work programs offer a curriculum that is relevant, comprehensive, and in line with student needs and the demands of the times.

4. Involvement of parents and the community.

Involving parents and the community in the student education process to create strong support and a conducive learning environment.

5. Continuous monitoring and evaluation.

Examples of good school work programs carry out continuous monitoring and evaluation of learning processes and outcomes to improve the quality of education.

6. Adequate facilities and resources.

Examples of good school work programs are equipped with adequate facilities and resources to support student learning and development activities.

Steps that must be considered to create a good school work program.

photo: freepik.com

1. Set clear goals and objectives.

Involve all stakeholders, such as students, teachers, parents and the community in setting goals. By involving all parties, it will be easier to set goals that are supported by all parties and can be achieved with mutual support.

Create a specific action plan to achieve each goal, including necessary resources, concrete steps, and assessments to see progress made. By setting clear goals, schools can ensure that the planned work program will be effective and have a positive impact on the entire school community.

2. The role of the school principal.

The school principal has a very important role in creating a good school work program. The principal needs to be involved in formulating the school's goals and vision together with all staff and teachers. Through this process, the school principal can ensure that the work program will be in accordance with the school's vision and mission.

Apart from that, school principals also need to be involved in developing the curriculum and learning strategies that will be implemented in the school. The involvement of the principal in this process will ensure that the school's work program can improve the quality of learning and student achievement.

3. Collaboration of teachers, staff and students.

Collaboration with teachers, staff, and students can include a variety of activities that can create a better learning environment. For example, teachers and staff can work together to develop a more diverse and inclusive curriculum, as well as plan extracurricular activities that are engaging and support student development.

This collaboration aims to create a stimulating, supportive and inclusive learning environment for all school members, as well as ensuring that every student has the opportunity to develop to their full potential.

4. Increase learning activities.

There are several ways that can be done to improve learning activities in the classroom. Teachers can create a comfortable and interesting learning atmosphere for students. This can be done by presenting learning material in an interesting way and relating it to students' daily lives so that they are more interested and motivated to learn.

Apart from that, teachers can also use a variety of interactive and collaborative learning methods. Learning methods such as group discussions, educational games, or joint projects can make students more active in learning and also make them more involved in the learning process.

5. Improve facilities and resources for a good learning environment.

Improving facilities and resources for a better learning environment is an important step in improving the quality of education. A good learning environment will have a positive influence on the development of students, teachers and the school as a whole.

Adequate educational facilities and infrastructure will create conditions that support the teaching and learning process. Good facilities, such as comfortable classrooms, complete libraries, laboratories, and sports facilities, will provide opportunities for students to study happily and effectively. It will also encourage students' creativity and interest in learning, as well as facilitate the development of their skills.

Example of a good school work program.

photo: freepik.com

1. Literacy development.

- Organizing a "15 Minute Reading" program every morning before lessons start.
- Hold poetry, short story and debate reading competitions between classes.
- Opening reading corners in every class and school library.
- Organize visits to reading parks and regional libraries.

2. Increased academic achievement.

- Providing science and language olympiad training to outstanding students.
- Holding additional classes for students who need learning assistance.
- Invite inspirational speakers to provide motivation to students.
- Give awards to students who excel in academics.
- Collaborate with tutoring institutions to hold UTBK tryouts and Independent Exams.

3. Development of character and manners.

- Implement the "Character Development" program every week in class.
- Holding religious and social activities to foster students' sense of empathy and concern.
- Give awards to students who demonstrate exemplary behavior.
- Invite resource persons from related institutions to provide education about the dangers of drugs and promiscuity.

4. Development of creativity and skills.

- Holding arts and culture festivals to showcase student talents.
- Providing journalism, graphic design and robotics training to students.
- Holding exhibitions of art and student work.
- Invite artists and cultural figures to give workshops to students.
- Collaborate with related institutions to provide skills training for students.

5. Improvement of facilities and infrastructure.

- Carrying out repairs and renovations to school buildings.
- Adding teaching and learning facilities such as books, computers and teaching aids.
- Arranging parks and school environments to make them more beautiful and comfortable.
- Building a healthy and hygienic school canteen.

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