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30 September 2024 18:45

Different destinies in life: A complete explanation

Destiny is a concept that is often a topic of discussion in various cultures and religions. Annisa Endriyati Utami

Brilio.net - Destiny is a concept that is often a topic of discussion in various cultures and religions. Many people believe that destiny is something that is predetermined and cannot be changed. However, there are also those who argue that destiny can be changed with effort and prayer.

In this article, we will explain the various kinds of destiny known in life.

1. Fate is a curse

Mubram Destiny is a type of destiny that cannot be changed at all. This is a destiny that has been determined by God and no creature can change it. An example of Mubram destiny is birth and death. No one can choose when and where to be born, and the same goes for death. This destiny has been determined and cannot be avoided.

2. The destiny of the convert

Destiny Muallaq is a type of destiny that can still be changed with effort and prayer. This is a destiny that depends on the actions and decisions taken by the individual. For example, someone who studies diligently and works hard will probably achieve success in his career. Conversely, if someone is lazy and does not try, then most likely he will not achieve success. Destiny Muallaq provides space for humans to try and pray to get the desired results.

3. Special destiny

Special Destiny is a destiny that only applies to certain individuals. This is a destiny that is assigned to a person based on the roles and responsibilities that must be carried out in life. For example, a great leader or a famous scientist may have a special destiny that is different from other people. This destiny is often related to the mission or purpose of life that must be achieved by the individual.

4. Common destiny

Common Destiny is the destiny that applies to all living things. It is a destiny that is universal and does not differentiate between one individual and another. Examples of common destiny are the laws of nature such as gravity, the life cycle, and death. All living things are subject to this common destiny without exception.

5. Good and bad destiny

Good and Bad Destiny is a type of destiny that relates to the good or bad luck experienced by a person. Good destiny is anything that brings happiness, success, and well-being. On the other hand, bad destiny is anything that brings sadness, failure, and suffering. Many people believe that good and bad destiny are the result of actions and decisions taken in life.

6. Worldly and afterlife destiny

Worldly Destiny is destiny related to life in this world, such as work, family, and health. Afterlife Destiny is destiny related to life after death, such as heaven and hell. These two types of destiny are often the focus of various religious teachings, which teach that actions in the world will affect destiny in the afterlife.

7. Individual and collective destiny

Individual Destiny is the destiny that applies to one person only, while Collective Destiny is the destiny that applies to a group or society. For example, individual destiny can be personal success or failure, while collective destiny can be the destiny of a nation or community. These two types of destiny are often interrelated and influence each other.

Destiny is a complex concept and has many types. From Destiny Mubram which cannot be changed, to Destiny Muallaq which can still be worked on, each type of destiny has its own role and influence in life. Understanding these different types of destiny can help you live your life more wisely and meaningfully. Effort and prayer are the keys to facing destiny with a positive and hopeful attitude.

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