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9 November 2015 20:00

Blinded and bankrupted by love

A woman on a new relationship lost hundreds of millions of rupiah because of her boyfriend’s persuasive tongue. Irwan Khoiruddin
Blinded and bankrupted by love

Brilio.net/en - In a relationship, it always does wonders to know more about our significant others background to avoid a bad experience like that experienced by this 26 years old woman. A man she recently dated used his seductive persuasiveness to swindle her out of hundreds of millions of rupiah.

The woman, who does not want her identity disclosed, first told her sad story on her Facebook account. She recounted that she met and dated EH, from August 18th 2014 to September 15th 2015. In their first two months, the woman lent him over IDR 60 million after she took pity on his seemingly chronic financial problems. EH attributed his financial woes to his inability to pay debts for his office renovation.

A month later, EH told her that he had to pay his credit card due date of about IDR 15 million, but claimed he was short. Again, he told her about the stress he was going through, moving her to pity and prompting her to lend him the money. The woman told EH that he can return the money whenever he can.

The woman did note that EHs financial problems contrasted with his claim of being a president director of a company in West Jakarta. But due to their relationship, she cannot bear to see him sad.

Soon after, EH said that he broke his laptop. He adds that the incident left him stressful as it kept him from doing any work. He said that he needs a new laptop, but lacked the money to buy one.

Blinded by love, the woman gave her credit card to him so that he can buy an Apple Mac that cost over IDR 22million. To add insult to injury, EH also asked her to buy things for his office, as well as a IDR 4million Blackberry.

EHs exploitation of his girlfriend didnt end there. He also asked her to buy him a IDR 60million CBR Yamaha on grounds that his car was used for his offices purposes. The man bought the motorcycle from a dealer near the womans office so that she would pay his IDR 4.7 million installment, for which he never paid a single penny.

The womans suspicions heightened further, when EH asked her to buy him an IDR 11 million Gucci bag. He also promised to give her an engagement ring before April 2015, a promise that he never delivered.

By then, she was fully aware that theres something wrong with their relationship despite EHs claims that he would marry her. She also noted that she only met him on weekdays, not on weekends like other couples. She finally sensed EHs materialism, they finally broke up.

The womans worst moment came on September 14th, 2015, when an unknown woman called and said that she was EHs ex-girlfriend until they broke up in May 2014. The woman pointed out that he actually had a fiance since 3.5 years ago.

The woman was finally heartbroken. But she mustered the courage to come to his house, only to have his father refuse to open the door. She also tried to come to his office, only to find another woman there.

She just realized that the man she loved was actually someone elses fianc for over 3.5 years, and that he has over IDR 200 million of her money. Having nowhere to turn to for justice, she resigned herself to seeing the experience as an abject lesson.

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