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14 Mei 2016 12:07

An ancient Mayan city discovered in the jungle by a 15-year old

The young Canadian analysed 22 Mayan constellations before he discovered its correlation to the positioning of each of the Mayan cities. Celia Tholozan
An ancient Mayan city discovered in the jungle by a 15-year old © zmescience.com

Brilio.net/en - Impassioned by the Mayan culture for years, 15-year old William Gadoury conducted an analysis over the last months that led to the potential discovery of an unknown Mayan city. The young Canadian analysed 22 Mayan constellations and noticed that when he linked the stars on a map from the different constellation, the shape of each of them corresponded to the positioning of each of the 117 known Mayan cities. No scientists had discovered this correlation between the stars and the location of the cities so far

The teenagers starting point was a strange fact that potentially answered some historically baffling questions, such as: why Mayas were not building cities close to the rivers (like in any other civilisations) but in steep and difficult to reach zones instead?

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Image viaexame.abril

The scientific explanation states that according to the archaeological researches, the Mayans were building on or very close to calcareous rocks. Those porous rocks, that are thus storing the water from the rainy season in caves, allowing the population to have an easier access to drinkable water during the dry season and a safer option that rivers that often totally dry out.

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However, the young William didnt stop at that explanation and was aware of the Mayans fascination for astrology and decided to carry out huge research from his very own bedroom. He came to the conclusion that, according to his correlations theory, there was a city missing from the maps and he thus started to search for it, and came out with the geographical coordinates of the last unfound Mayan city. The pictures provided by the NASA seem to correlate its theory, even if nothing has been officially proven yet.

Image viatheepochtimes.com

The theory of the young Canadian wont be verified anytime soon, and is even being called into questions by many. The discovery of the untouched Mayan city might take long since an expedition of this kind costs a lot of money and is quite risky. There is no path in the wild jungle, and the site, at a 40km walking distance from the next road is located in the deep jungle, where wild animals are abounding (spiders, snakes and other deadly mosquitos). On top of that, the suspicions of the scientific community will obviously slow down a lot the research project.

At any rate, even if he didnt discover a city, William would have at least established a very interesting theory, applicable to many other civilizations, and proven that there is no age, no diploma or label needed to make great projects come to life.

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