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30 November 2015 11:33

Amazon unveils new prototype for their futuristic delivery service

The company claims the unmanned aircraft can travel up to 25 kilometers in a single flight.
Amazon unveils new prototype for their futuristic delivery service Amazon's new Prime Air drone

Brilio.net/en - A few years ago, Amazon sent shockwaves through the world by announcing it would develop drones as a method of delivery.

This time, the online retail giant has released a new video showcasing the capabilities of the new Amazon Prime Air drone and they've asked TV personality Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) to do the narrating.

The new Prime Air prototype features two propeller systems: one for vertical takeoff and another for horizontal propulsions. An Amazon spokesperson calls it"part helicopter and part airplane," adding that the design lets it "fly long distances efficiently and go straight up and down in a safe, agile way."

The spokesperson also added"it is one of many prototype vehicles we have developed" and Clarkson adds in the commercial that "In time, there'll be a whole family of Amazon drones; different designs for different environments."

Amazon's use of the unmanned drones are still in deliberation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States. Some are speculating that Amazon has released this video as a method of persuasion that showcases their drones are safe and controlled.

Check out the video below:

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