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29 Oktober 2015 14:00

Ahmad Rifa’i, a 27 year-old man who has written over 50 book titles

One of his best-selling books was written in just 3 days. Ahada Ramadhana
Ahmad Rifa’i, a 27 year-old man who has written over 50 book titles

Brilio.net/en - Do you know Rifai Rifan? He is a young writer whose books can be considered best-sellers, with a catalog that includes Man Shabara Zafira; Tuhan, Maaf, Kami Sedang Sibuk (God, Im Sorry, We are Busy), and God, I Miss You. At the age of 25 years old, he has written around 50 book titles. He even once wrote a book within 3 days and it was a best-selling book. Wow! How could it be?

I rarely need even a month to write a book. I was able to finish most books within 1-2 weeks. I dont write books all day long. Aside from writing books, I also had to finish my studies, work in a company as an engineer, and also run a business, said a man who was born in Lamongan to brilio.net/en a few days ago.

The man who was a graduate of Mechanical Engineering in Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya admitted that he never had a target time of writing. When I feel like writing, then I would write. Until now, the shortest time of writing books is when I wrote two books entitled Rahasia Doa Lulus Ujian or The Secret Prayers to Pass the Exam and Allah, Inilah Proposal Cintaku For Girl or God, It is My Love Proposal For Girl. I usually wrote the books at night, before I sleep.

The first reason why he could write that fast is because many of his books are based on his personal experience. Hence ideas usually flow whenever he writes. I treat the writing process as if Im writing a diary. What I write on those pages are a manifestation of what I believe, experienced, and carried out in the past. Thats why I almost never found any significant problems in writing, he said.

The second reason is related to the size of the books. Both of those books are relatively simple in terms of topic. The contents are brief and very basic. Those are the reasons why those books are not quite thick at about 100 pages. Many readers love those kinds of book because they can be read in a day. Not many theories said the 27 year-old man.

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