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4 Desember 2015 14:16

9 Balinese dances are designated as a world heritage, Wow!

It was announced in a recent UNESCO meeting in Namibia.
9 Balinese dances are designated as a world heritage, Wow! dedotblog.wordpress.com

Brilio.net/en - Balinese traditional dances are designated as world cultural heritages based on the consideration of UNESCO meeting, held in Namibia, Africa on December 2nd, 2015.

In the meeting, Balinese dances proposed by Indonesia to UNESCO holds the 18th rank from 35 countries which propose the recognition to UNESCO. It means that UNESCO officially recognizes Balinese dances as the world heritage.

Amazingly, there are 9 Balinese dances that are designated as world cultural heritages. Those nine dances are Barong ket, Joged Bumbung, Legong Keraton, Wayang Wong dramatic dance, Gambuh dramatic dance, Sidhakaryas mask, Baris Upacara, Sanghyang Dedari, and Rejang dance.

Photo: photoblog.janumedia.com

Dewa Beratha, the head of the cultural department in Bali said the he got that information from a short message sent by Dohardo Pakpahan, the deputy of the ministry for financial, human resource, and cultural development (PMK).

We are happy and thankful for this recognition. Thus, Bali gets not only the preservation of traditional dance, but also economic benefits from it, said Dewa Beratha.

Those nine dances have represented overall dances in Bali. It is seen from its historical concepts, functions, and dance styles, he told to media, Thursday (3/12).

According to Dewa Beratha, as Balinese traditional dances have been recognized by UNESCO, the societies, central governments, and Bali government are responsible for preparing the infrastructure for the preservation and development of these dances.

Photo: tdc6.aryaintaran.com

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