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16 Mei 2016 18:11

8 Reasons why people who cry a lot are mentally healthier & stronger

Common assumption says that if you strong enough to take what life hands you, good or bad, you’ll have no reason to cry. Is that right? Retno Wulandari
8 Reasons why people who cry a lot are mentally healthier & stronger

Brilio.net/en - Our culture is obsessed with good appearance and strength, and that explains why we often discredit those who cry a lot as weak, emotional and chaotic. They are often stereotyped as overly emotional and erratic. Common assumption says that if you strong enough to take what life hands you, good or bad, youll have no reason to cry. Is that right?

Wrong. Okay, that may be true for some but, in reality, people who cry a lot tend to have it all together in many ways. This is why, as featured on Lifehack:

3 Reasons to stop complaining according to science

1. Frequent criers are healthier

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Stuffing down emotions can be more destructive than you let on. But we often celebrate those who can keep everything under control in most of the stressful times. In fact, unchecked stress is unhealthy and leads to a load of health issues such as an increased risk for heart attack, anxiety, and high blood pressure.

According to Dr. William H. Frey, crying alleviates stress both for the mind and the body. Crying, in fact, lowers cholesterol levels and decreases a chemical that can lead to anxiety. To support the theory, researchers from the University of Southern Florida suggest that crying is a way to restore us physiologically and psychologically. So, when youre stuck in a hard day, stuffed with wicked emotions, get yourself a restroom and let it pour out!

2. They are happier

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Crying frequently doesnt make someone the saddest people on Earth. On the contrary, crying is an instant mood booster. In Dr. Freys research, 88% of participants found that they had an improved mood after shedding tears. Crying provides a flood of emotional relief to get rid of sadness. After flooding gallons of tears, youll suddenly feel far better and be able to see the bright sunshine of tomorrow.

3. Crying a lot makes them braver

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Is vulnerability a weakness or strength? The answer is the latter. But theres no denying that its a challenge, as it takes a bushel of bravery to allow your emotions to be exposed in front of other people.

Even though sometimes its needed to show our emotions to someone else, most of us arent willing to be vulnerable. Because crying in front of them means youre inviting them into their hearts, but it also comes with many risks: being judged, misunderstood or belittled. So, when they are seen crying, theyre actually taking the risk.

4. They can communicate better

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Through tears, people who cry a lot offer honest and meaningful pictures of their hearts, and theyre express themselves this way. This only enhances their ability to communicate in other ways.

5. They have better relationships

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Crying is vulnerability as its finest, which connects people on a deeper level. Though its a risk to leave your heart wide open to other people (in this case, your friends, family and significant other), it can bring great reward. When you allow people (who are trustworthy and true) to witness your tears, you will make deeper and more meaningful relationships.

6. They are more honest

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Tears are authentic, and they roll down peoples face because of certain feelings that are true. Not only brave, crying is also an honest reflection of the heart. People who cry a lot are frequently facing their own reality and admit the state of their soul. It leads them to a more honest life.

7. They have better understanding of themselves

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Crying provides self-awareness, and those who cry a lot often have managed to develop a strong awareness, a state that is achieved through time and practice. They seek to understand their own emotions, most of the time by dwelling on the inner-side of their minds and hearts. It explains why people who dont let loose and hold their tears too often have hard times to explain or understand their emotions.

8. They experience life more fully

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Sad or happy tears will reveal emotions that add colours into life. As we know, life is full of ups and downs, and we cant make it through without experiencing happiness and suffering, which go hand in hand. People who cry more often enhance their overall quality of life by embracing it for what it is.

To wrap it up, no matter your gender, personality type or circumstances in life, it is easy to see the benefits of a good cry. You will get a healthy and strong mind, as long as you dont let the tears turn into exaggerated drama.

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