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13 Maret 2024 10:40

75 words from FF (Free Fire) children, cool, short and full of motivation

Not just a war game, Free Fire can also add enthusiasm to life through words of wisdom Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
75 words from FF (Free Fire) children, cool, short and full of motivation freepik.com

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Garena Free Fire or also called Free Fire (FF) is a battle royale game developed by 111 Dots Studio. This game can be found on cellphones with Android or iOS operating systems. Apart from Mobile Legend, FF games were widely downloaded globally in 2019. Because of their popularity, Free Fire received an award for "Best Popular Vote Game" from the Google Play Store in 2019.

Talking about FF games, there is a term that is quite well known, namely "bocil FF" (Little Boy Free Fire). This term refers to children who enjoy playing games published by Garena. Even on social media, this term is scattered around. Not only that, there are several songs that have been used as puns by netizens by replacing the lyrics with the words FF or Free Fire. Like the song by Maliq d'Essentials entitled "Ouch", netizens changed the lyrics to "Heaven is FF, worldly is also FF, I swear that I only want to die with FF".

Even though the word 'FF' is often used as a joke, there are words from FF (Free Fire) children that can motivate you to get through the day more enthusiastically, you know. If you pay attention, the children who play Free Fire are just playing and completing missions to get first place or what is usually called "Booyah". However, it turns out that there are many cool words from FF children that can be used as encouragement for life.

FF children's words are very diverse and funny because they often use terms found in the Free Fire game, such as booyah, battle royale, noob, or revive, and so on. If you are a fan and enthusiast of this game, of course you will be familiar with the words used. However, if you are not a fan of this game, you can still enjoy and feel the enthusiastic energy of the FF children's words.

Instead of wondering what FF children say, this time brilio.net has summarized from various sources FF children's words that are cool, short and full of motivation to get through the day. Maybe the words are simple, but they can inspire enthusiasm, Wednesday (13/3)

Free Fire children's words are full of motivation

photo: freepik.com

1. "Just like in Free Fire, we have to 'Drop' into the battlefield of life and achieve victory!"

2. "Never go 'AFK' in your life; fight and achieve 'Booyah' every day!"

3. "Every challenge is the 'Battle Royale' of your life. Get ready and be the last one standing!"

4. "There are no 'Noobs' in the struggle, only 'Pros' who haven't found the way yet!"

5. "As Free Fire players, we know very well, 'Revive' is important. Likewise in life, get up every time you fall!"

6. "When the 'zone' gets smaller, it's a sign that we have to move forward in life without hesitation!"

7. "Be a 'Sniper' in achieving your dreams, see the target and shoot on target!"

8. "Sometimes, we need to 'Loot' patience to get the best results in life."

9. "In play and in life, 'Skills' develop through practice and dedication."

10. "Every kill in the game is an experience; every mistake is a learning opportunity."

11. "Don't just be 'campers' in the game, be 'explorers' in exploring your potential."

12. "When ammo runs out, use 'fists' in life, when resources run out, use creativity and determination!"

13. "As time goes by, increase your 'rank' in life with achievements and hard work."

14. "Remember, every 'headshot' in the game is the result of focus and precision; the same goes for achieving your goals."

15. "In gaming and in life, 'Teammates' are a gift. Appreciate and support each other!"

16. "Prepare for the 'clash' of your life; your courage is your weapon."

17. "In a world full of bushes and obstacles, become a bushmaster and conquer them all!"

18. "Every kill brings honor; every effort brings success in life."

19. "Never hesitate to 'push rank' in your life achievements and ambitions."

20. "As a 'pro player' of your life, always evaluate and improve your strategy."

21. "Every 'victory' in games is the result of teamwork; the same is true in life's achievements."

22. "Just like 'auto headshot,' demand excellence and distinction in everything you do."

23. "In this life, we are a 'squad' that complements and supports each other."

24. "There is no 'lag' in your life, only 'smooth gameplay' to success."

25. "Just like in Free Fire, maintain a strong mentality and focus towards the 'Booyah' of your life!"

Free Fire children's words when they experience defeat

photo: freepik.com

26. "Maybe it's 'GG' for us this time, but don't stop fighting!"

27. "This defeat was a 'headshot' for us, but we bounced back!"

28. "When the 'zone' gets smaller, we have to stay strong even in defeat."

29. "We were 'knocked out' this time, but let's stand back up and face it again!"

30. "Every opponent's 'kill' is a lesson for us. Don't give up!"

31. "Even if you lose, remember that 'booyah' is always at the end of the struggle!"

32. "When our 'rank' goes down, that's the time to get up and fight harder!"

33. "This failure was a 'grenade' that exploded, but we still have time to plan a counterattack."

34. "Every defeat is a new 'challenge' for us. Let's accept it and face it with new enthusiasm!"

35. "Defeat is not the end of everything. Let's use this experience to develop even better!"

36. "Make this defeat a valuable 'loot' to improve our skills in the next battle."

37. "When 'reviving' is no longer possible, we must pick ourselves up and continue fighting!"

38. "Even if we lose this battle, we will never lose in spirit and determination!"

39. "Defeat is a 'wall' that blocks our steps, but we can overcome it with strong determination!"

40. "We may have been 'eliminated' this time, but remember that the battle is not over yet!"

41. "Losing is part of the game, but what matters most is how we bounce back!"

42. "In defeat, there are valuable loot drops; lessons that will help us grow stronger!"

43. "Don't let defeat destroy your spirit. Get up and face the next challenge!"

44. "At the moment we are 'out of the zone', but we still have a chance to move forward and achieve victory!"

45. "Every defeat is an opportunity to learn and grow. Let's face it with our heads held high!"

46. "Even though we lost, don't let our 'rank' drop. Let's fight to get back up!"

47. "In defeat, we find new strength to rise and fight even stronger!"

48. "Losing this battle is a 'noob move', but we can learn and become 'pro players' in the next battle!"

49. "Failure is a step towards success. Let's learn from this defeat and get back up!"

50. "When we 'wipe out', we still have time to prepare a better strategy for the next battle!"

Free Fire children's words are short and cool

photo: freepik.com

51. "Gas! Gas! Gas! Chase 'Booyah'!"

52. "Take care of your backpack, take care of your life."

53. "Shoot fast, stay calm, get the 'chicken dinner'."

54. "Let the 'grenade' do the talking, don't 'camp'."

55. "Be a 'pro player', not a 'noob'!"

56. "Keep a 'headshot' in every step."

57. "Defeat is a 'challenge', not the end of the game."

58. "Aim high, 'rank' higher!"

59. "Let 'kill' do the talking, not empty words."

60. "The gas runs out, the spirit remains!"

61. "Dare to fight, dare to win!"

62. "Be an unstoppable 'squad'!"

63. "Survival is the key, 'Booyah' is the goal."

64. "Don't 'panic', 'aim' right on target!"

65. "Shoot hard, win fast!"

66. "In dark or light, we remain 'elite'."

67. "Master the map, master the game."

68. "There are no 'noobs', only 'pros' who haven't mastered the game."

69. "Let our 'emote' talk, prove we are champions!"

70. "Dare to face the 'blue zone', dare to win!"

71. "Shoot first, ask questions later."

72. "Be ready to rush at any time!"

73. "United in a 'squad', victorious in battle."

74. "Loot wisely, win wiser!"

75. "Every 'match' is a new opportunity to achieve 'Booyah'!"

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