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25 Maret 2024 21:25

50 Examples of commonly used non-standard words in Indonesian, complete with meaning and use

Non-standard words are often used to convey ideas, notions, or express emotions Niko Sulpriyono
50 Examples of commonly used non-standard words in Indonesian, complete with meaning and use freepik.com

Brilio.net - Non-standard words in Indonesian refer to words that are not included in the Official Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), or are not formally recognized by language institutions. The use of non-standard words often occurs in everyday conversations, especially in informal environments such as conversations between friends or family. These words are often regional or dialectal in nature, and are sometimes linguistic innovations that arise as creative expressions of language speakers.

Even though they are not listed in the KBBI, non-standard words are often used by people to convey ideas, notions or emotions more precisely and closer to everyday experiences. They provide a distinctive color and nuance in everyday language, and often provide a personal touch in communication between individuals.

The use of non-standard words can reflect the richness and dynamics of language in social interactions. People often create new words, or change the meaning of existing words, to suit their communication needs. This shows that language is a living tool and continues to develop along with social and cultural changes.

However, the use of non-standard words also needs to be considered in formal contexts or official writing. In formal situations such as scientific papers, official letters, or speeches, it is advisable to use standard words that are widely recognized. So that messages can be conveyed clearly and precisely in accordance with applicable language standards.

The use of non-standard words in Indonesian

1. Expression of cultural identity.

photo: frepik.com

Non-standard words in Indonesian are not just linguistic expressions, but also reflect the rich culture and local identity of the community. The use of these words is often related to local customs and traditions, and reflects local wisdom inherent in everyday life. For example, in various regions in Indonesia, there are non-standard words that are typically used by local residents, reflecting the uniqueness and diversity of Indonesian culture.

The use of non-standard words as an expression of cultural identity also helps maintain local cultural heritage. When these words are used widely in everyday communication, they become an integral part of people's lives and contribute to enriching the richness of the Indonesian language as a whole. Apart from that, the use of non-standard words can also become an identity that differentiates one region from another, strengthening a sense of pride and loyalty to local culture.

2. Complementary to informal communication.

photo: freepik.com

Non-standard words play an important role as complements in informal communication in various everyday situations. In conversations between friends or family, the use of non-standard words often adds to the familiarity and closeness between individuals.

They create a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, allowing messages to be conveyed more directly and warmly. For example, the use of words like "gue" and "lu" instead of "me" and "you" in informal conversation indicates a more personal level of closeness between speakers.

Apart from that, non-standard words can also provide unique colors and nuances in social interactions. They often reflect the characteristics of the region or environment where the language is spoken, creating a unique identity in everyday communication.

The use of non-standard words also often occurs in informal situations such as on social media or text messages, where speakers can freely express themselves in a more relaxed and informal way. Thus, non-standard words become an important element in enriching and expanding vocabulary in Indonesian, as well as maintaining the impression of familiarity in informal communication.

3. Expression of creativity and self-expression.

photo: freepik.com

Using non-standard words can also be a means to hone creativity and express oneself. Some non-standard words may be created spontaneously to describe unique experiences or situations, which may be difficult to express with standard words.

4. Adaptation to context and audience.

photo: freepik.com

The use of non-standard words can also be an effective communication strategy to adapt to certain contexts and audiences. For example, in informal conversations between people with similar backgrounds, the use of non-standard words can strengthen feelings of solidarity and togetherness.

5. Language innovation.

photo: freepik.com

Non-standard words often emerge as interesting linguistic innovations, illustrating the dynamic development of language. Using new words or changing the meaning of existing words can enrich and expand vocabulary in Indonesian .

Summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (25/3), here are 50 examples of non-standard words in Indonesian.

1. Cintakuh (My Love)

2. Gue (I, Me)

3. Lu (You)

4. Again (Back)

5. Speeding (Driving a vehicle quickly)

6. Abis (Already, Finished)

7. Ngerjain (Doing)

8. Nonton (Watching)

9. Nyampe (Until)

10. Bored (Bored)

11. Talk (Talk)

12. Understand (Understand)

13. Bete (Angry, Annoyed)

14. Sulking (angry, sullen)

15. Reason (Reason)

16. Nyari (Searching)

17. Really (Really, really)

18. Relax (Relax)

19. Already (Already)

20. Gegas (Flirting)

21. Nyoba (Trying)

22. Nyuci (Washing)

23. Pantesan (Apparently)

24. No (No)

25. Kaga (No)

26. Deket (Near)

27. Gokil (Crazy, Extraordinary)

28. Nyerah (Surrender)

29. Annoyed (Upset)

30. Bummer (Annoying)

31. Caper (Attention Seeking)

32. Ceplas-ceplos (Speaking without further ado)

33. See (See)

34. Ababil (Unstable children)

35. Throw (Throwing)

36. Floating (Undecided)

37. Peler (Head)

38. Nytetir (Driving)

39. Ngedate (Going on a date)

40. Semalem (Last night)

41. Gabut (Distraction, no activity)

42. Crunchy (Not funny)

43. Ngehe (Terrifying)

44. Nyokap (Mother)

45. Nyodok (Support)

46. Stray (Get Lost)

47. Caution (Attention)

48. Ngelamun (Daydreaming)

49. Little by little (Little by little)

50. Little (A Little)

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