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12 Oktober 2016 15:20

Controversies Trump Enlightenment At These Spiritual Learning Centers

Does a ticket to heaven really cost Rp2 million? Nur Romdlon
Controversies Trump Enlightenment At These Spiritual Learning Centers

Brilio.net/en - Instead being a place to deepen one's spiritual knowledge, the following padepokans or spiritual learning centers have been known for misleading teachings and controversies.

1. Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng

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Dimas Kanjeng Taat Pribadi, a man from Probolinggo rose to national famewhena warehousefilled withmoney was discoveredin his residence, Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng, in Cangklek, Probolinggo, East Java.

The case began in February 2016 when there were reports of fraud amounting to Rp 25 billion, allegedly commited by Dimas Kanjeng. During the investigation process, witness Abdul Ghani failedto fulfill a summons by General Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the East Java police. Later, it was reveled that Ghani had been killed in a premeditated murder on April 13 in Padepokan Dimas Kanjeng. His body was found dumped in the Gajah Mungkur Reservoir in Wonogiri, Central Java. Kanjeng Dimas was identified as the mastermind along with other nine suspects.

Dimas Kanjeng claimsto have the ability to double banknotes with his knowledge and with the help of a supernatural spirit. His padepokan is located on a six-hectare land and has thousands of supporters.

2. Padepokan Gatot Brajamusti

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Before the case of Dimas Kanjeng went viral, there was Padepokan Brajamusti. The group becamewidely known after the actress and singer Reza Artamevia became one of the padepokan's disciples. Anumber of other actresses and actors have also made Gatot Brajamusti their spiritual teacher.

Brajamusti himself is also known as a musician who had released a religious album 'Tunjukan Jalan yang Lurus' and as an actor. On August 29, 2016, h owever, he was arrested by the Merah Putih Task Force and the Mataram Police during a drug raid at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Mataram, Lombok. The incident ocurred not long after his election as the chairman of the Indonesian Film Actors Association (Parfi).

Brajamustiwas arrested in a room with his wife, Dewi Aminah,and Reza Artamevia. The case has since expanded to include accusations ofsexual harrasment. As for the methamphetamine found in the room, heclaims it was for Asmat, his genie.

3. Padepokan Syekh Sangga Bintang

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Padepokan Syekh Sangga Bintang in Waru, Karawang, West Java, promisedits followers a place inheaven by paying Rp2 million.

They also have their own shahada, replacingthe word "Muhammad" with "Mujim,"the leader of the group. He had also told his followers that praying at his house is equal to performing prayers in a prophet's mosque and that the holy zamzam water can be found in his well. He was evicted by locals for claiming to be a prophet and was also reported to the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the police. Angry residents also burned his house down.

4. Padepokan Bumi Arum/Santri Luwung

On November 23, 2013, Padepokan Bumi Arum or Pasujudan Santri Luwung in Jetak, Sragen, Central Java was burned to the ground by an angry crowd who considered the padepokan to be giving false teachings to their students. Locals have long took issue with Anto Miharjo, owner of the padepokan, as his teachings required students to dip themselves into a river naked.

The padepokan denied the accusations and insisted that their teaching center is apesantrenthat teaches people to read the Koran. Locals are said to have been provoked by individuals involved in a dispute with Miharjo.

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