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11 Februari 2024 07:00

13 Meanings of dreams about defecating according to Javanese primbon, have many messages for the future

Everything in a dream is a piece of your life. Dinar Nur Zaky Achmad
13 Meanings of dreams about defecating according to Javanese primbon, have many messages for the future Headline: Freepik.com

Brilio.net - The meaning of dreams about defecating is usually related to things that one wants to throw away in one's personal life. There are various meanings of dreams about defecation which could bring something good or something bad for the future. Everything in a dream is a piece of your life. This includes dreams of defecating, because defecating is one of the basic human needs.

However, you cannot interpret the meaning of dreams about defecating completely. The following is a series of meanings of dreams about defecating that you can use as a reference. It is important to remember that sometimes bad events in dreams cannot be directly interpreted as something bad, as well as good events, it could be the opposite of the event.

So that you don't become even more confused and blind about the meaning of dreams about defecating, this time brilio.net has summarized it from various sources, Saturday (10/2)

1. The meaning of dreams about defecation is seen by people.

When socializing, you have to be careful because dreams of defecating could indicate that there are people who want to bring you down and humiliate you. This clearly comes from someone who hasn't liked you for a long time.

2. The meaning of dreaming of defecating on the floor.

You have to reduce your carelessness in placing items. The meaning of the dream of defecating on the floor indicates that you will experience a loss, such as items that you like or care about. According to Javanese primbon, even though this is a trivial bad thing, it is worth paying attention to.

3. The meaning of dreaming of defecating on a latrine.

According to the Javanese primbon, if you experience this dream it is likely that you will experience something bad, namely losing something that you currently have. This is also caused by theft or disasters such as floods and fires.

4. The meaning of dreaming of defecating in a river.

For those of you who experience dreams of defecating, you may often experience losses due to theft or so on, especially dreams of defecating in a river. This is a bad sign and you must anticipate it before it happens.

5. The meaning of the dream of defecating on the mattress.

Even though it seems disgusting, it turns out that when we dream of defecating in bed, chances are you will get money to meet your daily needs.

6. The meaning of dreams of defecating in public.

This dream depicts a change and you want to show that you are able to achieve your goals and are not afraid of what you face. Apart from that, this dream indicates that you will get the financial success that you have been fighting for.

7. The meaning of the dream of defecating in your pants.

Maybe you have never achieved something you want in life, the Javanese primbon explains that this dream is a picture of self-doubt and feeling inferior in living life, so that is what triggers you to never get something you want.

8. The meaning of dreaming of defecating in large quantities.

Maybe you will face problems and difficulties in life that will make it difficult for you to deal with them. Apart from that, dreaming of defecating in large quantities also means that you often accumulate problems so that it is difficult for you to solve them.

9. The meaning of dreaming of defecating on the street.

You experienced something that makes you embarrassed and regretful because you shouldn't have done that recently. You want to solve it but are confused about how.

10. The meaning of dreaming of defecating and then forgetting to urinate.

You have to be careful because according to the Javanese primbon, this dream has an unfavorable sign. It is possible that you will get slander, this happens because of your mistakes in the past which have turned into karma in the form of slander for you.

11. The meaning of the dream of defecating with blood.

If you are working on something and suddenly have a dream of defecating with blood, you need to be alert because it is possible that you will have difficulty completing something you are working on.

12. The meaning of dreaming of defecating and cleaning it.

This relates to your urgent and sudden needs. This will touch on your financial expenses that are beyond your previous predictions and calculations because of your needs.

13. The meaning of dreaming of defecating in your garden.

Maybe you have to maintain good relations with the people closest to you. The dream of defecating in your garden indicates that you will face conflicts with the people closest to you that arise because of jealousy.

If you have ever had a dream of defecating, perhaps you can find the meaning behind the dream above. Now you are no longer curious about the meaning behind the dream of defecating that you once experienced.

Don't forget to tell the people closest to you about the dreams you had and you can also share this article if any of your friends still feel confused and curious about dreams about defecating.

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