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22 Februari 2024 18:25

11 Random funny chats at first make you panic, but the ending is annoying

Don't panic yet, it could be that you're being pranked~ Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
11 Random funny chats at first make you panic, but the ending is annoying

Brilio.net - Every day, almost everyone always communicates using WhatsApp. This chat application seems to have become the main means for smart device users to communicate for various needs.

For studying, working, organizing, dating, and not infrequently, there are also people who make a living through WhatsApp , aka selling. There are also those who use this chat application to just chat casually with their friends.

But have you ever suddenly been chatted randomly by a friend, boyfriend or stranger, whose chat content made you panic? But those of you who might have been overthinking will actually be annoyed by the ending of that person's chat.

Anyway, it's really annoying. Like the following series of funny chats . Collected by brilio.net from various sources on Thursday (22/2), these eleven random funny chats initially made you panic, but the ending was annoying.

1. Just relaxing at home, suddenly there's random chat like this, right? Oh, it turns out it's the courier brother.

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

2. Initially I panicked because I wanted someone to complain, but it turned out I was just venting. Be patient, bro!

photo: Twitter/@txtdarionlshop

3. I'm really annoyed, I was worried that the ending would be annoying.

photo: Twitter/@askrlfess

4. Another person who initially panicked ended up being pranked.

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

5. Portrait of a chat whose contents turned out to be cheesy.

photo: Twitter/@meme.wkwk

6. As a friend, of course you have to be solid. But what happens like this?!

photo: Twitter/@convomf

7. No different from the one above. It's just a different game.

photo: Twitter/@netijestruggle

8. Sis is in a situation where "It's not dangerous, right?!"

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

9. Can someone explain what kind of disease this is?

photo: Twitter/@convomf

10. Well, if this is the fix, it will make you panic.

photo: Twitter/@netijenstruggle

11. I was shocked to be sent a scary picture like this, but it turned out to be the wrong address.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarisadboys

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