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23 Februari 2024 09:25

11 Funny chats the courier's twists and turns when delivering the package get unexpected answers, make you rub your chest

There are times when you try to become a courier, whether because of ordered goods or because of chats that make you surprised. Muhamad Ikhlas Alfaridzi
11 Funny chats the courier's twists and turns when delivering the package get unexpected answers, make you rub your chest

Brilio.net - Do you know anyone around you whose profession is a courier? Or are you a courier yourself? This job is one of the professions that is often found today. Especially in the digital era, when many people shop via online stores. Goods delivery activity has also increased drastically.

Being a courier means you have the task of delivering packages. This package usually contains various items that have been ordered by the customer via the online shop. From clothing, furniture, to electronic goods, everything must arrive at the customer's address in condition without the slightest defect.

However, there are twists and turns in the story of the courier when he wants to deliver the package to the customer. Usually before going to the customer's address, the courier will first contact the customer. From asking about the location, to telling the customer to prepare money because the payment uses the cash on delivery method.

So, what happens if the customer actually gives an unexpected answer and tends to be annoying? Auto stroke your chest for sure. You can see a series of eleven portraits below, compiled by brilio.net from various sources on Friday (23/2).

1. Why is Miss so sensitive? Just call me darling.

photo: Twitter/@txtdariwhatsap

2. When asked for a home address, it turns out the customer no longer has a home. The end of the chat actually has a moral message.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

3. The following picture is the definition of giving false hope, right?

photo: Twitter/@ndagels

4. The moment the customer suddenly has amnesia.

photo: Twitter/@Txtdariolshop

5. Wow, so what are you going to do with this package in conditions like this?

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

6. When I asked for my home address, when I asked for a street photo, I was instead given a selfie.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

7. And it happened again, the customer suddenly lost his memory.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

8. If this is the case, the courier is said to have taken too long to send it. This is inappropriate behavior, guys.

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

9. Two words but they make you angry.

photo: Twitter/@sedotanesjeruk

10. If this happens, pray for each other. It's good, but that's not the concept.

photo: Twitter/@akuyangbikin

11. The lesson that can be taken from the following picture is, if you're wrong, admit it's wrong!

photo: Twitter/@txtdarikurir

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