- Condolences or words for the deceased are usually important things to say to the family left behind. The aim, of course, is to provide sympathy and strengthen families who are sad because their family members have left to face the Almighty.
If the deceased is a Muslim, then the delivery must be adjusted. Islamic words for the dead represent deep condolences and sadness.
Islamic words for the dead have a very important role in Islamic culture and traditions. These words provide comfort to the family and friends left behind. When someone dies, the loss often results in deep sadness, and words of condolence can be a source of comfort and moral support for those who mourn.
Apart from that, Islamic words for the dead also reflect appreciation for the life of the individual who has passed away. In Islam, every soul is considered precious in the eyes of Allah SWT, and expressions of condolence are a way to honor and remember those who have passed away. By speaking words of love and respect, people acknowledge their value and contributions throughout their lives.
Islamic sayings for the dead also emphasize the importance of solidarity and togetherness among Muslims . When someone experiences a loss, condolences from their fellow believers show that they are not alone in their grief. This strengthens ties between Muslims and creates a deep sense of brotherhood within the Islamic community. In this way, words of condolence not only comfort the bereaved family, but also strengthen relations between Muslims as a whole.
Here are 100 Islamic words for the deceased, a form of deep condolence and sadness, as reported by from various sources, Tuesday (23/4).
Words for the dead Islamic
1. "Death is a fate that cannot be avoided, but our sadness over your passing will never fade. May Allah SWT forgive all your sins and give you peace in the afterlife."
2. "May Allah give you a noble place by His side and grant patience to the families left behind."
3. "Death is a certainty for every soul. May Allah forgive his sins and make his abode among the righteous."
4. "Our prayers accompany you on your journey to the afterlife. May Allah give you a worthy place in His heaven."
5. "Your loss is very difficult for us. May Allah give strength to the families left behind."
6. "Allah knows better than us. He determines the time of death for every soul. Hopefully we can accept His decree with an open heart."
7. "Al-Fatihah for the souls who have passed away. May their deeds be accepted by Allah."
8. "Everyone who lives will definitely taste death. Let's prepare ourselves to return to our creator."
9. "We pray that Allah will give mercy and maghfirah to those who have left this world."
10. "Death is a call from Him. Hopefully we can all prepare ourselves to face it with strong faith."
11. "We mourn your passing and pray that Allah will comfort the families left behind."
12. "There is no power and strength except with Allah's help. May Allah give us strength to face this trial."
13. "We sympathize with the loss you have experienced. May Allah give you patience and strength."
14. "Only to Allah do we ask for help. May Allah give fortitude to the families left behind."
15. "Every soul will taste death. Hopefully we are all ready to face it with a happy heart."
16. "We are sorry for your passing. May Allah give you a worthy place by His side."
17. "Death is a call that cannot be avoided. Hopefully we can all face it with perfect piety."
18. "Our prayers are always with you. May Allah forgive your sins and give you a beautiful place in His heaven."
19. "We pray that Allah will give peace to the spirits of the departed and strength to the families left behind."
20. "We all belong to Allah and to Him we will all return. May Allah grant mercy to the deceased and strengthen the families left behind."
Best prayers for those who have faced Allah SWT
Words for the dead Islamic
21. "May Allah SWT have mercy on you and give you a noble place by His side."
22. "May Allah SWT give you peace and happiness in the afterlife."
23. "We pray that Allah SWT will forgive your sins and accept your deeds of worship."
24. "Our prayers are with you, may your journey to the afterlife be blessed and protected."
25. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un on your departure."
26. "Our prayer is that Allah SWT gives you a worthy place in Heaven."
27. "May Allah SWT give fortitude to the families left behind."
28. "We hope that Allah SWT will grant you mercy and forgiveness."
29. "We pray that Allah SWT grants you eternal peace in His Heaven."
30. "May Allah SWT bless you and give you a beautiful place by His side."
31. "We pray that Allah SWT raises your status in the afterlife."
32. "Our prayers accompany you on your journey to a new life in the afterlife."
33. "May Allah SWT place you in His heaven which is full of pleasure."
34. "We pray that Allah SWT gives you light in your grave."
35. "May Allah SWT give you a worthy place next to Him, the Most Merciful."
36. "We express our condolences for your departure, may Allah SWT bless you."
37. "Our prayers are with you, may Allah SWT give you a glorious place in Heaven."
38. "We pray that Allah SWT will give fortitude to the families left behind."
39. "May Allah SWT forgive all your sins and accept your deeds of worship."
40. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT have mercy on you."
Give strength to the families left behind
Words for the dead Islamic
41. "May Allah SWT grant patience to the families left behind."
42. "We pray that the bereaved families will be given the strength to face this ordeal."
43. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un on your departure, may your family be given fortitude."
44. "Our prayers are with your family, may Allah SWT give them strength and patience."
45. "Hopefully your family can accept Allah SWT's destiny with sincerity and pleasure."
46. "We pray that your family will be given peace and fortitude in facing your departure."
47. "May your family accept this test with an open heart and full of sincerity."
48. "Our prayers are with your family, may they be given patience and strength in facing this loss."
49. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give your family steadfastness and sincerity."
50. "We hope that your family can accept your departure with an open heart and full of sincerity."
51. "May your family be given the fortitude to face this sadness, and may Allah SWT give them strength."
52. "Our prayers are with your family, may Allah SWT grant them patience and calm."
53. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give your family the strength to face this trial."
54. "May your family be given the fortitude and strength to get through the days without you."
55. "We pray that your family accepts this fate with a sincere and happy heart."
56. "Our prayers are with your family, may they be given the fortitude to face this trial."
57. "May your family accept your departure with an open heart and full of sincerity."
58. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give your family patience and strength."
59. "May your family be given the strength to face this loss, and may Allah SWT grant them fortitude."
60. "May the beautiful memories with the deceased/deceased be a source of strength for the family left behind."
Full of prayers and hopes for the people who accept his decree
Words for the dead Islamic
61. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may you be a person who accepts Allah's decrees with grace."
62. "Our prayers accompany your journey in the afterlife, may you be given mercy and placed by His side with blessings."
63. "We hope that you will be given peace and happiness in the sight of Allah, and that you will become a person who accepts all His decrees sincerely."
64. "May Allah SWT forgive your sins and elevate your status in the afterlife. Be a person who accepts all His decrees with an open heart."
65. "We pray that you will be given a worthy place in His Heaven, and become an example for us to accept God's destiny sincerely."
66. "May you be a person who accepts Allah's decrees with great fortitude and patience, and is given a noble place at His side."
67. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may you be an example for us in accepting all His decrees with an open heart."
68. "Our prayers accompany your journey to the afterlife, may you be given a worthy place in His Heaven as a reward for your sincerity in accepting His destiny."
69. "May Allah SWT give you peace and blessings in the afterlife, and make you a person who accepts His decrees with grace."
70. "We hope that you will be given a beautiful place in His Heaven, as a reward for your steadfastness and patience in accepting all His decrees."
71. "May Allah SWT give you eternal peace and a noble place by His side, and make you an example in accepting His decrees sincerely."
72. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may you become a person who accepts all Allah's decrees with an open and sincere heart."
73. "Our prayers accompany your journey to the afterlife, may you be given a worthy place by His side as a reward for your faithfulness in accepting His destiny."
74. "May Allah SWT give you a beautiful place in His Heaven, and make you an example for us in accepting all His decrees with a sincere heart."
75. "We hope that you will be given a noble place at His side, as a reward for your patience and steadfastness in accepting His decree."
76. "May Allah SWT forgive your sins and give you a worthy place in His Heaven, and make you an example in accepting His decrees with an open heart."
77. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may you become a person who accepts all His decrees with an open and sincere heart."
78. "Our prayers accompany your journey to the afterlife, may you be given a noble place by His side as a reward for your steadfastness in facing His tests."
79. "We ask that Allah SWT grant mercy and peace to the soul of the deceased/deceased"
80. "We hope that you will be given a noble place at His side, as a reward for your loyalty in accepting His destiny with grace."
Prayer for khusnul khotimah
Words for the dead Islamic
81. "May Allah SWT present you in khusnul khatimah, and make the end of your good life the entrance to His Heaven."
82. "We pray that your journey in this world will end with khusnul khatimah, and may Allah SWT give you a noble place by His side."
83. "Our prayers are with you, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make the end of your life the beginning of a better life.
better in the afterlife."
84. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah and give you a worthy place in His Heaven."
85. "May Allah SWT forgive your sins and make you a person who ends up with khusnul khatimah in this world."
86. "We hope that you will be given khusnul khatimah and the opportunity to repent to Allah SWT before the end of your life."
87. "May Allah SWT give you a good ending and khusnul khatimah, and give you a noble place by His side."
88. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make the end of your life an opening of the door to His Heaven."
89. "Our prayers are with you, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make you a person who ends up with goodness and blessings."
90. "We pray that your life's journey will end with khusnul khatimah, and may Allah SWT lift you up into His Heaven."
91. "May Allah SWT give you a good ending and khusnul khatimah, and give you a worthy place by His side."
92. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make you a person who ends in goodness and glory."
93. "Our prayers are with you, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make you a person who ends up in peace with Him."
94. "We hope that you will be given khusnul khatimah and a noble place in His Heaven, as a reward for your patience and steadfastness."
95. "May Allah SWT present you in khusnul khatimah, and give you a beautiful place by His side."
96. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make the end of your life an entrance to His Heaven."
97. "Our prayers are with you, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make you a person who ends up with goodness in His sight."
98. "May Allah SWT give you a good ending and khusnul khatimah, and give you a worthy place in His Heaven."
99. "We pray that your life's journey will end with khusnul khatimah, and may Allah SWT give you a noble place by His side."
100. "We say Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un, may Allah SWT give you khusnul khatimah, and make you a person who ends up in peace with Him."