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14 Juli 2017 13:35

Amazon’s Revival Of 'The Tick' Looks Comical On Its Debut Trailer

It's a good thing that they keep the weird humor. Tunggul Kumoro
Amazon’s Revival Of 'The Tick' Looks Comical On Its Debut Trailer © Twitter/@TheTickTV

Amazon Prime Video on Wednesday dropped the first trailer for the debut season of its superhero live-action comedy series based on Ben Edlund's comic book character 'The Tick'.

The new take's trailer promises an epic adventure of our blue spandex brawler The Tick (Peter Serafinowicz) and his mild-mannered accountant sidekick Arthur Everest (Griffin Newman) who appears to be the center of the plot as he realizes his town is controlled by a super villain.

This is actually the third time the series has been made into a TV adaptation with the animated version in 1994 and a live-action series featuring Patrick Warburton and David Burke in 2001.

'The Tick' Part 1, that consists of the first six episodes of Season 1, will be released on Amazon Prime Video on August 25 with the Part 2, comprising the remaining six episodes to resume in early 2018.

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