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20 April 2022 10:05

Jalan Makan HoLai, burnt kwetiau tastes like an authentic Peranakan dish

Combining Chinese, Malay, Indian and Javanese influences. Brilio.net
Jalan Makan HoLai, burnt kwetiau tastes like an authentic Peranakan dish brilio.net

Hello Brilio Friends,

Back on Jalan Makan, this episode is in Petak Enam, Pancoran, West Jakarta. There is a restaurant here that serves typical Peranakan food , combining Chinese, Malay, Indian and Javanese influences. Her name is HoLai. This restaurant is on the left side of the Petak Enam area.

Some of the menus that you can try are special beef kwetiau burnt , chicken chop nasi lemak, Peranakan chicken wings, and there is also a fresh drink with a really interesting color, ais holai malaka.

Are you curious about the taste and prices of food and drinks at HoLai? Before coming here, it's better to first check the following video from BrilioFood .

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