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8 Juli 2024 07:00

Owned a house of IDR 12 billion at the age of 23, 10 portraits of Fadly Faisal's room with a balcony view directly into the indoor garden

Fadly Faisal's house has an American Classic concept with dominant colors being white and black Sri Jumiyarti Risno
foto: YouTube/fadlyfsl & Instagram/fadlyfsl

Fadly Fadly follows the success of Fuji Utami by having a new residence worth billions. In early April 2023, when he was 23 years old, Fadly Faisal managed to buy a luxury house worth IDR 12 billion.

Buying a house at a fantastic price is a matter of pride for this man born in 2000. The residence also carries the American Classic concept, dominant in elegant white and black colors.

Apart from that, this luxury house is designed quite modernly with various facilities. Starting from the kitchen, indoor garden, to the rooms, they are no less beautiful and make everyone who occupies them comfortable.

Come on, take a look at the portrait of Fadly Faisal's room , direct balcony view of the indoor garden, collected by brilio.net from various sources, Sunday (7/7)


Fadly Faisal's residence appears to be in an elite residential area. This is what a beautiful front yard looks like without a barrier fence.

YouTube/Fuji an

This residence was the former residence of a husband and wife couple, then several parts were renovated, including the bedroom area. This is what it looked like when he entered Fadly's room.

YouTube/Fuji an

This is what Fadly Faisal's room looks like, the bed is a king size gift from Ria Ricis with a cream colored cot. Meanwhile, the floor is brown which matches the rest of the room.

YouTube/Fuji an

Right in front of the bed there is a nightstand and a cupboard shelf where Fadly's collection of items is located. However, when visited, Fuji still looked empty. Don't forget, in the middle of the cupboard shelf there is a large television.

YouTube/Fuji an

On the other side of the room there is a door and window which provides access to the balcony. The curtains are gray and are attached to the end of the wall. Meanwhile, the black door frame is typical of American Classic residences.

YouTube/Marissya - Icha

This is what Fadly's balcony looks like. There is a black guardrail that connects to the clothesline. Meanwhile, on the other side there is Fadly's relaxing area.

YouTube/Fuji an

From the balcony of Fadly Faisal's room you can immediately see his indoor garden. In the indoor garden there are chairs for gathering and a cat play area.

YouTube/Fuji an

The room is also equipped with a wardrobe that is not too spacious. But that's enough for him, don't forget that there is window access to see around the house.

YouTube/Fuji an

In the wardrobe area there is a hidden brown cupboard. Which turned out to be a storage place for the cables in the house.

YouTube/fadlyfsl & Instagram/fadlyfsl

Lastly, the bedroom area is also equipped with an all-marble bathroom with a dominant white color. There is a toilet, shower area, nightstand and a fairly long mirror.

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