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20 Agustus 2024 18:45

The viral story of Fadlan Holao going on a diet because of heartache, losing 55kg, 11 changes that make it hard to recognize

Before the diet, Fadlan's weight reached 130kg. Now he looks prime with a weight of 75kg. Ferra Listianti

Fadlan Holao's change in appearance has successfully attracted public attention. The man born on March 12, 2000, who is known for his full body, now looks slimmer. This weight loss process is certainly not easy for Fadlan.

Consistently dieting , Fadlan Holao underwent a strict diet to lose weight. Until he managed to cut 55 kg from his body weight. However, the diet was not only aimed at losing weight, Fadlan underwent it to get a much healthier body after experiencing heartbreak.

"The best transformation when we are heartbroken," said Fadlan accompanying his upload.

Through his upload, the man known as a TikTok content creator shared his latest portrait after successfully dieting. Many were amazed by his latest portrait. Given, Fadlan Holao looks like a different person with his latest appearance now .

" Oh, it's really different, but I like the old one, " said @ai88rising

" So it's different ," added @ranggaaji03

The following brilio.net summarizes from TikTok @fadlanholao on Tuesday (20/8), a portrait of Fadlan Holao's changes.


This man, born on March 12, 2000, who is known for his curvy body, now looks slimmer.


Who would have thought, Fadlan Holao, who used to weigh 130 kg, managed to lose up to 55 kg.


He now weighs 75 kg. Apparently Fadlan did it to get a much healthier body after experiencing heartbreak.


Fadlan also revealed the diet he follows. In addition to not eating flour and undergoing intermittent fasting, he also exercises and stops eating light snacks.


Fadlan said that he also occasionally eats snacks, but he limits it.


Through his upload, the man who is known as a TikTok content creator shared his latest portrait after successfully dieting.


Many are amazed by his latest portrait. Given, Fadlan Holao looks like a different person with his latest appearance now.


His bloated stomach and flabby arms were no longer visible. He looked like a different person with this new appearance.


However, there were quite a few who criticized Fadlan because he was said to be too thin with a body weight of 75 kg.


But, Fadlan chose to be indifferent and ignore it. He now looks more confident with his new appearance.


He also looks more handsome with a short haircut and a slimmer body.

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