Happy news came from the Cendana family when Ari Sigit , the grandson of former President Soeharto, welcomed the birth of his first son with Suci Winata. The baby boy named Arto Harjo Wibowo was born on March 30, 2024.
This happy moment continued with the tedak siten ceremony for their son in a place decorated with a forest theme. The warm atmosphere was seen when the Cendana extended family attended to enliven the event.
The couple Ari Sigit and Suci Winata appeared harmonious wearing matching maroon clothes. Baby Arto looked adorable in a white batik-patterned dress. This tedak siten event was special because it was attended by close relatives of the Cendana family.
Panji, son of Bambang Trihatmodjo, was also present to provide support for his new nephew. The tedak siten tradition is a sacred moment for families to celebrate the growth of their little ones. This ceremony has a deep meaning as a form of gratitude and hope for the child's future.
Here, brilio.net has collected Tedak Siten moments of Suci Winata and Ari Sigit's children from Instagram @suciwinata21 on Wednesday (23/10).

 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
Ari Sigit and Suci Winata's first child was named Arto Harjo Wibowo. The son who was born on March 30 is Ari Sigit's seventh child.
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
Documentation of the tedak siten event can be seen on Suci Winata's Instagram page. This precious moment was immortalized through photo and video uploads.
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
The maroon-colored outfits were a perfect match for this couple. Both looked stunning with their matching color choices.
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
Baby Arto looks adorable wearing white and batik clothes. The combination of modern traditional clothes makes his appearance even sweeter.
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
During the tedak siten procession, Baby Arto looked very calm. His cute behavior managed to steal the attention of the invited guests.
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21
 2024 Instagram/@suciwinata21