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30 September 2024 11:10

9 Moments of Rian Ardianti & Ribka Sugiarto's bride-to-be at Pendopo Soimah, the charm of the bride-to-be

The traditional atmosphere is very strong throughout the event of ngunduh mantu. Syeny Wulandari

Muhammad Rian Ardianto and Ribka Sugiarto, two famous Indonesian badminton athletes, have just formalized their relationship in a wedding held in Karanganyar, Central Java, on Saturday (28/9). This special moment was not only attended by close family, but also fellow badminton athletes.

After holding an event in Karanganyar, the couple continued their ngunduh mantu in Yogyakarta, held at Soimah's Pendopo Tulungo. This event was thick with Javanese traditional nuances, from the procession to the clothes worn by the bride and groom and their families. The classic and magnificent atmosphere of the pendopo added to the beauty of the event, where hundreds of invited guests witnessed the series of traditional processions that took place solemnly.

The most eye-catching thing in the event was the appearance of the bride, Ribka Sugiarto. Appearing stunning with typical Javanese makeup and graceful kebaya, her charm as a bride looked so charming.

Furthermore, here are the moments of Rian Ardianti and Ribka Sugiarto's in-laws' wedding at Pendopo Soimah, summarized by brilio.net from various sources, Monday (30/9).


After the first wedding reception series, Rian and Ribka now appear at the second reception, which is the reception of the son-in-law.


Carrying Javanese customs, the traditional atmosphere is very strong throughout the event of ngunduh mantu.


Rian and Ribka looked charming in traditional clothing that radiated their charm as a happy couple.


The atmosphere at Pendopo Tulungo also adds a sacred and solemn effect.


Surrounded by the beauty of traditional Javanese architecture, the invited guests enjoyed every series of events that took place with full solemnity.


The appearance of Ribka Sugiarto, the bride, looked so charming with her distinctive Javanese makeup.


Ribka's aura of beauty radiates even more in Javanese traditional clothing, which is complemented by detailed makeup that emphasizes her charm as a bride.


Several horses have also been prepared in front of the pavilion.


The bride and groom looked happy as they rode a horse beautifully decorated with traditional ornaments. The horse took them around the streets around the pendopo.

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