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5 Agustus 2024 09:45

7 awkward moments when Marsha Aruan met Syifa Hadju, Azizah Salsha's quick attitude to chat reaped praise

Azizah Salsha is quick to talk to El Rumi's ex so that the atmosphere is not awkward Ferra Listianti

The love story of El Rumi and Syifa Hadju is still widely discussed. Especially, after El Rumi openly uploaded moments of togetherness with Syifa Hadju by introducing her to her extended family.

Even though El Rumi and Syifa Hadju are still hiding their relationship, their fans always upload portraits of them together at various moments. Like recently, the two of them were spotted traveling together to Bali to visit the restaurant of the late Papa Dali's mother.

Interestingly, at that moment, Marsha Aruan was also seen enjoying a typical Thai meal at Jennifer Coppen's in-laws' restaurant. Instead of talking, Marsha Aruan and Syifa Hadju looked awkward and didn't greet each other.

Pratama Arhan's wife, Azizah Salsha , who saw the awkward moment, immediately sat down beside Marsha Aruan to chat. Azizah Salsha seemed to divert Marsha's gaze towards Syifa Hadju and El by inviting her to chat.

The following is a summary by brilio.net from TikTok @seputarputarkita on Monday (5/8), the moment Syifa Hadju and Marsha Aruan met.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

In the video recording uploaded by TikTok @seputarceritakita, Marsha Aruan is shown sitting in the restaurant owned by Jennifer Coppen's in-laws. Not long after, Syifa Hadju arrived with El and another group.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

Marsha Aruan looked back to see the presence of Syifa Hadju with El. Then, he turned back to the table.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

Pratama Arhan's wife, Azizah Salsha, who saw Marsha Aruan's presence, immediately quickly sat down next to him to chat.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

At the moment Syifa Hadju and El Rumi shook hands with other friends, Azizah Salsha seemed to divert Marsha's gaze by inviting them to chat.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

It can be seen that Azizah Salsha and Marsha were having fun chatting when Syifa Hadju was present with El and the other group.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

However, the conversation between Azizah Salsha and Marsha is not known. However, the two of them looked really having fun while laughing a little.

TikTok @seputarceritakita

This moment immediately stole the public's attention. Many praised Azizah Salsha's quick attitude in diverting Marsha Aruan's gaze by inviting her to chat.

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