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2 Agustus 2017 17:00

The Man Growing Weed To Cure Wife Is Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison

Is this the price of love? Petra Hapsari
The Man Growing Weed To Cure Wife Is Sentenced To 8 Months In Prison Illustration: Shutterstock/areebarbar

Fidelis Ari Sudewarto has been sentenced to 8 months of imprisonment and Rp 1 billion fine (or additional 1 month of imprisonment) for growing marijuana to cure his dying wife, Yeni Riawati, who passed away right 32 days after his arrest.

The judges stated that Fidelis is guilty and decided that what he did has met the elements on Law 35 Article 111 and 116 on Narcotics.

#SaveFidelis: Freedom For The Man Growing Weed For Sick Wife!

The defendant realized that it is prohibited, but he kept on doing it to cure his wife, Said the judge.

Following the judges decision, public show their disappointment and sympathy.

#SaveFidelis Fidelis has been convicted with Rp 1 million fine. Do we need [to collect] #KoinuntukFIdelis [Coins for Fidelis]? - @work_in_silence

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#savefidelis Prosecutors demanded 5 months of imprisonment. Judges decided 8 months of imprisonment plus Rp 1 million fine. Where is the heart of those Gods representatives? - @ban_karep99

Dont give punishment for love struggle #SaveFidelis - @MeLIndo93

We shall defend #Kemanusiaan [Humanity] together. Its a must! Because we, humans, have conscience #SaveFidelis - @infobencana

Dont punish Fidelis because of the countrys incapability. Cc: @LGN_ID #saveFidelis #legalizemedicalmarijuana - @thefr3y

#SaveFidelis cannot differ which one is medication which one is abuse.... - @roisday

#SaveFidelis Set Fidelis free!! Fidelis is not a drug user, or dealer! #fidelisari - @davidmrln17

Is it just? When children of minister and artist can be free after taking lives of people while Fidelis is arrested for trying to save a life? - @Arie_Kriting

National Narcotics Agency (BNN) arrested Fidelis on February 19 forgrowing marijuana to cure his wife who suffered from Syringomyelia.

Fidelis grew marijuana after getting information that her disease can be healed using cannabis extract asnone of traditional medication or doctors could help her.

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