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19 Mei 2017 10:20

Get Your Daily Dose Of Drama From @InfoTwitwor

Love drama and ridiculous fights but don’t have time to watch soap operas? @Infotwitwor is here to entertain you. Adelia Anjani Putri
Get Your Daily Dose Of Drama From @InfoTwitwor

Youmight think that Twitter is dying because most of its users have moved to Instagram and Path, or return to the good ol Facebook, but apparently, Twitter is still the crazy yet fascinating place as it was two or three years ago.

People are still using Twitter to share news, pictures and their opinions about things. But thats the boring part of it. The fun part is that people are still fighting on Twitter with random strangers on random subjects.

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While some people dont like confrontation, some others see it as pure entertainment. After all, ridiculous fights are what make us hooked on soap operas, right?

Some Twitter users saw this and decided to bring the entertainment to a wider audience.

Meet @InforTwitwor, an account that specializes in capturing and spreading Twitter wars or fights and dramatic conversations. The account was made in May and in less than a month it already has more than 8000 followers.

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The people behind the account decided to remain anonymous, but one of the administrators told us that there are two of them, one man and one female.

The admin said that the account was made just for fun.

We just want to record the funny and entertaining Twitter wars. If we just retweet them, the tweets can get deleted (by the writers), thats why we capture them, he (or she) said yesterday.

And about our initial assumption that Twitter is a dead place right now, the admin said otherwise.

Twitter is as colorful as it used to be, because people bring the hype from other social media like Facebook, Instagram and Path to Twitter, the admin said.

Plus, people are more short-fused and emotional on Twitter, because its more spontaneous, the content should be short so users dont need to take time to think. Thats why theres the term TweetWar. In Facebook, people tend to be more reluctant to spit dirty words or just say what theyre thinking at the moment, unless the account is intended to provoke others.

Dont believe it? Here are some tweets from @InfoTwitwor.

A fight between a supporter and a hater of Islamic Defender Front (FPI) leader Rizieq Shihab.

Whether you enjoy such fight is up to you, but the admin has something to say to you all social media users: If you ever get involved in a Twitter fight, let it stay on Twitter. Theres no need to bring it to the real world.

Hear, hear.

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