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28 Februari 2017 16:30

FPI Chief Testifies Against Ahok In 12th Hearing

Rizieq Shihab also calls for Ahok's detainment. Tunggul Kumoro
FPI Chief Testifies Against Ahok In 12th Hearing The Islamic Defender Front (FPI) Chief Rizieq Shihab. (Brilio/Jefri Aries)

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama's blasphemy trial continued today for its twelfth session.

This time, Ahok's most vocal critic,the Islamic Defender Front (FPI) Chief Rizieq Shihab, was presented as expert of Islam.Rizieq's name was proposed by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).

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The FPI Chief's appearance as witness was rejected by Ahoks legal team.

One of Ahoks lawyer, Humphrey Djemat, said that Rizieq is not fit to testify as he has been sentenced to jail twice before and has recently named as suspect for various cases.

Humphrey added that Rizieq is still entangled in other cases including the sex scandal and is also an advisor for GNPF MUI, a group that has been rallying to demand Ahoks imprisonment.

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However, Head Judge Dwiarso Budi Santiarto dismissed the demand, and said he would report whether the statement will be used later.

During his testimony, Rizieq tried to elaborate his understanding of Ahok's statement last year in Thousand Islands District.

The six mistakes

Rizieq said that there are six faulty lines within Ahoks statement.

First, Dont believe anyone which, according to Rizieq, meant that Ahok asked the audience not to believe anyone using Al-Maidah:51 as an argument not to choose him.

That statement prohibits Muslims to vote for (Muslim) leaders, Rizieq said.

Second, Dont vote for me implied that Ahok was in the island for campaign purpose and not only forwork.

The third mistake is (People) being lied to using Al-Maidah:51 the core problem of this whole blasphemy allegation.

Whos being lied to? It must be the Muslim people. It means that Al-Maidah becomes tool and source of deceit. So, the accused said that Koran is a tool to lie," Rizieq said.

Then, he said that the phrase And so on has a negative connotation.

Fifth, the line Afraid of being condemned to hell confirmed that Ahoks visit was for his election campaign.

"At the same time, the accused insulted Muslims who do not vote [in accordance with the instruction of] religion. Muslims who are afraid of going to hell for violating his/her faith don't deserve to be insulted," said Rizieq.

And last, the phrase Fooled by further emphasized Ahoks insult to islam

Call for detainment

The FPI Chief also asked the judges to put Ahok behind bars.

He keeps doing the same mistake, insulting Al-Maidah and Ulemas, thats why I asked the judges to detain him. Theres also a possibility that he runs away before the ruling is announced, Rizieq said to reporters after the trial.

The trial will resume next week with witnesses proposed by Ahok's legal team.

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