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17 Maret 2017 10:00

Ex-Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi Denies Involvement In E-KTP Graft Case

Gamawan said National Audit Agency has audited the project three times and didn't find any mark up. Tunggul Kumoro
Ex-Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi Denies Involvement In E-KTP Graft Case © 2017 brilio.net

The electronic identity card (e-KTP) graft trial was held yesterdayat the Jakarta Corruption Court and scheduled to present witnesses from the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) brought by prosecutor from Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

One of the witnesses, former Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi gave his testimony to public prosecutor where he denied receivingUSD 4.5 million and Rp 50 million from the e-KTP procurement budget.

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"I never accepted even one rupiah. I swear to God, if I betray this country for accepting one rupiah, I ask all people of Indonesia to condemnme, I'm willing to be cursed by God," said Gamawan.

Panel Chairman John Halasan also asked whether Gamawan had ever received 'anything' regarding to the e-KTP project referring to the Rp 50 million thatGamawan allegedly received according toPolice Investigation Report (BAP).

"They said Iaccepted Rp 50 million for the projects in five districts. I need to make it clear Your Majesty, because many have asked me [about this money]. The money was my fee as speaker, in five provinces," said Gamawan.

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He said that the fee was given in accordance to the regulation where a speaker can charge Rp 5 million per hour.

"I spoke for two hours in each province," said Gamawan.

He also added that he didn't know about the budget mark-up as the National Audit Agency (BPK) has audited the project three times during his time as minister and didnt find anything.

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