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15 Februari 2016 13:00

Text or Call? These kids will answer all your burning dating questions

From the stone-age question of “Text vs Call” to the waiting game and how to handle rejection – all are covered in these series. Nadia Bintoro
Text or Call? These kids will answer all your burning dating questions © 2016 Kidson/YouTube

Brilio.net/en - With Valentines day coming and passing, and you still found yourself to be single, maybe its time to turn to these kids to get the dating advices that will work!

Even though it is still debatable if kids are indeed noisy monsters or wise advisors - in the area of dating, their honesty is surely refreshing.

And hilarious in this case.

In a web series called KidsOn by Cannodle Content, a fully grown-up adult presenter asked various kids about the worlds most burning, and yet, basic dating woes. From the stone-age question of Text vs Call to the waiting game and how to handle rejection all are covered in these series.

Recorded at Camp Wahanowin in Orillia, Ontario, the video sees the presenter Dave Keystone, consulting the kids while enjoying various outdoor activities such as fishing, sailing and just relaxing in the wilderness.

Image: YouTube/Dailymail

In the debate of Texting vs Calling, one cheeky boy advised Dave on the importance of using emojis when texting a girl.

Asked about how to ask girls out for a second date, he advised Dave to be straightforward and text the girl directly, Would you like to go on a second date with me and two winky faces

While the other boy on a boat suggested calling, I think call. Because if you text, you don't know if she says bye - if she says it in a nice way or a mean way.

Another boy champions calling simply because 'you don't have to type word after word after word after word. All you have to do is type in the number!' I personally think he has a good point. Because who want a finger cramp while text-dating, right?

Not only they come with honest advices, some of them even brought their own experiences to the table. One innocent face claims to have long list of dating experiences on his hand, I know you think Im a kid and not good with girls but I had four girlfriends when I was seven.'

'One of them was for, like, three or two months, one of them was for a year, one of them was for eight minutes - don't ask (why).'

The series will also prepare you for the rainy days if things go south. The zen boy on the bench gave Dave the final advise on how to deal with rejection.

What if she says no? ,..Then breath again, and you will feel so calm afterwards. And then squeeze your fists and it all goes away. GOLDEN!!

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