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28 Juni 2016 13:56

3 Tips to help you stop being jealous

Every couple has experienced it and it’s never an easy feeling to deal with. Learning to control it might help you… and your relationship! Celia Tholozan
3 Tips to help you stop being jealous

Brilio.net/en - It can be sometimes for no reasons and sometimes for good reasons, jealousy is present, even a tiny little bit, in every couple. And its actually perfectly normal: when you are in love, your brain is producing a special kind of hormone that attaches you to the other person. Your partner become parts of your territory. But a shackle to your personal zone can sometime end in quite some drama.

The problem is that many people tend to express jealousy in way too many unjustified circumstances and, in the long run, can be seen as a lack of trust from the partner, poison his or her life and yours at the same time! Here are 3 tips you need to accept and apply in order to overcome jealousy.

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1. Stop controlling everything she or he does

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Being extra cautious and controlling every single aspect of someones life (emails, Facebook account, phone messages, etc.) never stopped anybody from cheating. Quite on the contrary, the lack of trust in a relationship, the lack of trusts in a relationship and the the feeling of not having any freedom will in fact only incite your partner to need even more freedom, sometimes it can lead to the need of seeing somebody else.

2. Set up a healthy communication routine

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Reproaches and misunderstanding are the worst dangers for a couple. Ideally, you should make some time for couple talks to peacefully share what you are afraid of and how you personally see things. How? First, dont make the mistake of being aggressive, come in a peaceful mindset. Second, make sure you are always talking for yourself by using I and not you. You leading to a direct reproach to the other. By simply saying I dont feel good about that for example, you will open yourself to dialogue, avoid tensions and resolve many problems.

3. Dont let your imagination take over

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The human brain can go very far when it comes to creating imaginary scenarios. You need to focus on the present and be attentive to the real proof of love that the other gives you, not the one you are accepting and that will most likely never happen. Fantasizing your future can only lead to disappointment.

In every instance dont forget, jealousy isnt in any case a proof of love, trust is.

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