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11 April 2024 12:00

Without soaking in water, this is a trick for storing kaffir lime leaves so they last for months

Kaffir limes are high in vitamin C which can help lower blood pressure and minimize the risk of heart disease. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani

Brilio.net - Kaffir lime leaves are known to have a distinctive aroma. This leaf is also often used as a cooking spice. Such as soto, pecel, lotek, and peanut brittle. The delicious taste and aroma of kaffir lime leaves can certainly increase your appetite.

Apart from its delicious taste, kaffir lime leaves are also known to have many nutritional contents that are good for the body. Reporting from e-journal.uajy.ac.id, kaffir limes are high in vitamin C which can help lower blood pressure and minimize the risk of heart disease.

Because it is used quite often, many people choose to store kaffir lime leaves in large quantities. Unfortunately, there are still many mistakes in storing kaffir lime leaves. Instead of being fresh and durable, orange leaves are dry and black, even rotten.

On the other hand, if you know how to store them, kaffir lime leaves can last for months, you know. A number of people end up soaking orange leaves in water to keep them fresh. But, apart from soaking it in water, there is a method that is no less practical, you know.

Tricks for storing kaffir lime leaves so they last for months.

This method was demonstrated by a netizen from Malaysia via the TikTok account @anihmsk. He admitted that he had a more effective way to store kaffir lime leaves to keep them fresh .

photo: TikTok/@anihmsk

Reported by BrilioFood from TikTok @anihmsk on Thursday (11/4), first, prepare the kaffir lime leaves that will be stored. First separate the kaffir lime leaves from the stems. The TikTok user also didn't wash the kaffir lime leaves with water.

photo: TikTok/@anihmsk

After that, prepare a clear plastic ziplock. Then put all the kaffir lime leaves into the plastic. Make sure no air gets in, okay?

"We put them in a small ziplock bag," he explained.

photo: TikTok/@anihmsk

Finally, store the plastic containing the kaffir lime leaves in the freezer. Kaffir lime leaves must be frozen so they stay fresh and last for months.

"I keep it frozen. It lasts for months," he said.

The video on tricks for storing kaffir lime leaves uploaded by a TikTok user has been watched 1.1 million times, you know. There were also several netizens who wrote their responses via the comments column.

"The best," said the account @eyzenur.

"Knowledge is good," wrote the account @khayla.ttshop.

"I've tried following Sis' method, it really lasts a long time," said the account @mrskayown.

In the comments column, the TikTok user also revealed that the kaffir lime leaves which had been stored for 3 months were still fresh.

"After 3 months, it's still beautiful," he concluded.

How to choose quality lime leaves.

To choose quality kaffir lime leaves, you can pay attention to the following things.

1. Color.

Choose kaffir lime leaves that are dark green and fresh. Avoid leaves that look wilted or yellowish.

2. Aroma.

Smell the kaffir lime leaves you want to buy. Good quality leaves will have a fresh, fragrant and distinctive aroma.

3. Texture.

Touch the kaffir lime leaves to check their texture. Good quality leaves will feel stiff and not wilt.

4. Size and shape.

Choose kaffir lime leaves that are uniform in size and shape. Avoid leaves that are too small or too large.

5. Free from damage.

Check the kaffir lime leaves to make sure there is no damage such as brown spots, holes, or insect bites.

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