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6 Maret 2024 21:00

Without soaking in hot water, this trick for peeling the skin from peanuts is fast and saves more time

If you peel the epidermis one by one, it's complicated and tiring, right? Nadhifah
Without soaking in hot water, this trick for peeling the skin from peanuts is fast and saves more time foto: YouTube/Belajar masak

Brilio.net - Peanuts are one of the nuts that many people often process. The savory taste of peanuts can really add enjoyment to a dish. Not only that, peanuts also contain good nutrients for body health. Reported by healthline.com, peanuts contain minerals, calcium, phosphorus and also sodium which would be a shame if you just missed them.

You can process peanuts in various ways. However, to make it tastier, usually the epidermis of peanuts must be peeled first. Because it is thin, removing the epidermis is a chore in itself. Like it or not, you have to peel the peanuts one by one. It's complicated and takes a long time, right?

As a solution, you can soak peanuts in hot water for a few moments. After that, just peel off the skin from the peanuts one by one. But for those of you who want to peel the skin from peanuts more quickly, you can follow the method shown by YouTube user Learn to Cook. Instead of soaking them in hot water, this netizen has his own way of peeling the skin from peanuts.

How to quickly peel the skin from peanuts.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Learn to Cook on Wednesday (6/3), put a frying pan on the stove and heat it for a few moments. Once hot, immediately add the peanuts and the skin will be peeled off. This cooking process is usually called the roasting method.

photo: YouTube/Learn to Cook

During the roasting process, use a low stove heat and always stir the peanuts so they don't burn. According to him, this method can make the process of peeling the skin from peanuts easier.

"The drier the peanuts are, the easier it will be when we peel the epidermis," said the owner of the video.

Once the peanuts are dry and there are black spots on the surface, turn off the heat on the stove. Lift and transfer the peanuts to a pan or container that is flat and wide.

photo: YouTube/Learn to cook

Next, immediately peel the skin from the peanuts with your bare hands. Because it has been previously roasted, the epidermis easily separates from the peanuts. No need to worry, this roasting process will not change the taste of peanuts. This was explained by the video owner.

"So far, we have often made onion beans without any problems except maybe during the roasting process, burning could have an effect," he explained when a netizen asked in the comments column.

photo: YouTube/Learn to cook

After peeling it all off, you don't need to bother separating the epidermis inside the tampah. Just shake the tampah until the epidermis is removed by itself. As a result, the tampah contains peanuts that are maximally clean and ready to be processed into various dishes.

photo: YouTube/Learn to cook

Several netizens immediately responded in the comments column of this video. Some have even tried this trick at home, you know.

"I've made it, yes, that's right. I made 2 kg by peeling it like this and it was finished in no time and I wasn't tired and it didn't interfere with my work, and the results weren't hard thanks, this is really useful for me," wrote the YouTube account alindalovers .

"Did you wash the nuts first," asked Harytivony's YouTube account. Then he answered, "No, bro... it was roasted straight away," explained the owner of the video.

How to store peanuts so they don't smell rancid.

Here are some steps you can follow to store peanuts so they don't smell rancid:

1. Choose quality peanuts.

Make sure you choose fresh and good quality peanuts. Nuts that have been out for too long or are starting to go rancid should be avoided.

2. Storage in the right place.

Store peanuts in a tight airtight container. Avoid storing peanuts in open areas exposed to high heat and humidity, as this can speed up the rancidity process.

3. Store in a clean container.

Make sure the peanut storage container is clean and dry before using. Don't leave any traces of oil or fat in the container, as this can cause the nuts to go rancid quickly.

4. Add moisture absorption.

To reduce the risk of peanuts becoming rancid, you can add moisture absorbers such as silica gel or raw rice to the storage container. This helps keep the humidity in the container low.

5. Storage in a cool place.

Avoid storing peanuts in places that are too hot. Too high a temperature can speed up the oxidation process of the oil in the nuts, which causes a rancid taste.

By following the steps above, you can help keep peanuts fresh and avoid unwanted rancid odors.

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