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18 Mei 2024 15:31

Without scrubbing with bar soap, here's a trick for cleaning a burnt and black teapot so it shines using 3 kitchen ingredients

This method makes the burnt teapot shine again like it was bought new. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
foto: YouTube/Home Tricks

Brilio.net - Finding a teapot that is burnt and black can be an annoying experience. Using too big a fire or leaving the teapot on the stove for too long can cause the bottom of the teapot to burn and turn black. Not only does this reduce the kettle's efficiency in boiling water, but it can also cause uneven heat distribution and potentially damage the kettle.

If you encounter a problem like that, there is no need to worry because there are a number of methods you can use to return a burnt teapot to its original condition. One method that can be done is to scrub the surface of the teapot using bar soap. This type of soap is considered to be able to remove burnt and black stains on teapots, so that their appearance will be shinier.

However, apart from bar soap, there are other ingredients that are no less effective in cleaning burnt and black teapots. One YouTube user, Home Tricks, shared a trick for dealing with a burnt teapot using kitchen ingredients . Reported by BrilioFood on Friday (17/5), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar, baking soda and fizzy drinks.

photo: YouTube/Home Tricks

These three ingredients will later be mixed again with other ingredients, such as detergent and water. For the measurements used, simply put 1/3 cup of vinegar, liquid detergent, and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in a small bowl. After that, stir all these ingredients until they dissolve, then add 1/2 glass of warm water and 1/2 glass of fizzy drink. Stir all these ingredients until evenly mixed.

photo: YouTube/Home Tricks

Next, transfer the liquid into a spray bottle, then spray it onto the burnt and black part of the teapot. Don't forget to rub the black and burnt parts with a rough sponge or wire wool. Do this process until all the burnt spots are completely gone.

photo: YouTube/Home Tricks

Once it has been scrubbed evenly, rinse the teapot under running water. That way, the appearance of the teapot will look shinier, like new. These steps indicate that a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, fizzy drinks and detergent can be very effective in removing stubborn stains.

photo: YouTube/Home Tricks

This video about tricks for cleaning a burnt teapot has received a lot of attention from netizens. Looking at the comments column, quite a few other YouTube users said they were amazed by the results of the teapot becoming shiny after cleaning. Even though it uses simple ingredients, this trick can be easily imitated.

"I t turned out to be an amazing solution, I can't believe the combination of these ingredients (it turned out to be an extraordinary solution, I can't believe the combination of these ingredients), " said YouTube @calloffun6383.

" It was great and an interesting idea, I didn't know (it was a good and interesting idea, I didn't know) ," explained YouTube @majdgroup6160.

" I will definitely try (I will definitely try), " wrote the YouTube account @amintavakoli312.

" It was a very efficient solution (it was a very efficient solution), " said YouTube @majdgroup6160.

" Thank you very much for these practical ideas (thank you very much for these practical ideas), " said YouTube @amintavakoli312.

Causes of crusting and holes and how to deal with them

Crusts and holes can occur on various objects such as pots, pans, pipes and other equipment. Here are 9 common causes and how to overcome them:

1. High humidity.

High humidity can cause scale formation and corrosion. The fix is to store items in a dry place and use a dehumidifier if necessary.

2. Water that contains high minerals.

Hard water with high mineral content such as calcium and magnesium can cause scale. The fix is to use a water filter or add chemicals such as vinegar to dissolve minerals.

3. Exposure to chemicals.

Exposure to chemicals such as salt, acids, and harsh cleaning agents can cause corrosion. The fix is to use appropriate cleaning agents and rinse well after use.

4. High temperature.

High temperatures can speed up the oxidation and corrosion process. The way to overcome this is to avoid exposure to excessive heat and use heat protection if necessary.

5. Poor material quality.

Low quality materials are more susceptible to corrosion and scale. To overcome this, choose high quality materials and carry out routine maintenance.

6. Lack of routine maintenance.

Lack of regular cleaning and maintenance can lead to scale buildup and corrosion. How to fix this: Carry out routine cleaning and maintenance according to the instructions for use.

7. Contamination by other substances.

Contamination by other substances such as oil, food ingredients, or chemicals can accelerate corrosion. The way to overcome this is to maintain cleanliness and avoid contact with substances that have the potential to cause corrosion.

8. Changes in environmental pH.

Environments with extreme pH, whether acidic or alkaline, can cause material damage. The fix is to use a protective coating and adjust the environmental pH if possible.

9. Mechanical damage.

Physical damage such as scratches and cracks can be the starting point for corrosion. The way to overcome this is to avoid mechanical damage and repair it immediately if damage occurs.

General preventive measures:

1. Protective coating: Use an anti-rust coating such as paint or other protective coating.

2. Use of lubricants: Use lubricants for moving parts to reduce friction and damage.

3. Proper storage: Store tools and materials in appropriate locations, away from moisture and harmful chemicals

4. Routine inspections: Perform regular inspections to detect early signs of corrosion or scale.

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