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24 Mei 2024 11:00

Without rubbing it with bleach, here's how to clean worn, dirty flip-flops so they shine and add 2 kitchen ingredients

The price of flip flops is also quite cheap. Nadhifah
Without rubbing it with bleach, here's how to clean worn, dirty flip-flops so they shine and add 2 kitchen ingredients Facebook/Skill rumahan

Brilio.net - Many people choose flip-flops for everyday wear. Flip-flops are considered comfortable to wear and can last a long time. The price of flip-flops is also quite cheap.

Even so, flip-flops that are frequently worn get dirty quickly, you know. The appearance is dirty, filled with various stains and footprints.

To clean them, some people deliberately rub their flip-flops with a bleach solution. After rubbing several times, the stubborn stains on the flip-flops disappeared.

But don't just use a bleach solution, it turns out there are other sandal cleaning agents that you can use. Just like home Facebook Skill users do. In his video upload, he mixed a special cleaning solution to wash his flip-flops.

How to clean dirty flip-flops so they shine, just add 2 kitchen ingredients.

The first step, pour the citrus into a used bottle. Before pouring the water, he also added one kitchen ingredient, namely salt, as a cleaning mixture.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

It didn't stop there, he also poured dishwashing soap into a bottle. So, the two kitchen ingredients that are added are salt and dish soap. Once done, stir until all the ingredients are mixed. The texture of the cleaning solution becomes thick like a paste.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

After that, apply the cleaning solution to the entire surface of the flip-flops. Don't forget to apply and spread the cleaning solution onto the back of the flip-flops too, okay?

"Make sure you don't leave anything behind," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube Skill at home on Friday (24/5).

photo: Facebook/Home skills

If so, put the sandals in the dishwashing sink. Flush the flip flops with boiling water. Without waiting for it to cool, immediately rub the flip-flops with a brush.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

Without needing to use extra effort, the stubborn stains on the sandals have disappeared. Immediately rinse the sandals using running water.

photo: Facebook/Home skills

As a result, the sandals look as clean as new again.

How to deal with broken flip flops.

Broken flip flops can be very annoying, but there are some simple and quick ways to fix them so you can keep wearing them. Here are some methods you can try.

1. Use a safety pin or needle.

Materials and tools:
- Safety pins or pins

- Reinstall the strap.

Reinsert the broken sandal strap into the sandal hole.

- Secure with safety pins.

After the rope enters the hole, unscrew the safety pin or pin, then attach the safety pin to the bottom of the rope on the bottom side of the sandal. This will keep the rope from coming out of the hole again.

- Check stability.

Make sure the safety pin or pin is attached firmly and does not come off easily.

2. Use a plastic bottle cover.

Materials and tools:
- Plastic bottle cover
- Scissors or knife

- Cut the bottle cap.

Cut off the top of the plastic bottle cap so that you have a flat circle of plastic.

- Reinstall the strap.

Insert the sandal strap back into the hole.

- Add bottle cover.

Attach the bottle cap piece to the bottom of the strap that comes out at the bottom of the sandal. Make sure the plastic is bigger than the hole so it doesn't come off easily.

- Press flat.

Press the plastic so that it is flush with the bottom of the sandal.

3. Using rubber ties.

Materials and tools:

- Rubber ties (like rubber bands)


- Reinstall the strap.

Insert the sandal strap back into the hole.

- Add rubber ties.

Take the rubber band and wrap it around the bottom of the strap that comes out at the bottom of the sandal. Wrap it around several times until the rubber is thick enough to hold the rope from coming out of the hole.

- Check stability.

Make sure the rubber ties are strong enough to hold the strap in place.

These methods can help repair broken flip flops quickly and easily. If your flip-flops are a favorite and you frequently experience the same problem, consider replacing them with a new pair or looking for a more permanent repair solution.

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