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13 Maret 2024 04:00

Without brushing with toothpaste, this is an easy way to get rid of black crust in a dipper using an additional 1 kitchen ingredient

Another way that is no less effective so you don't waste your stock of toothpaste. Dewi Suci Rahmadhani
Without brushing with toothpaste, this is an easy way to get rid of black crust in a dipper using an additional 1 kitchen ingredient foto: YouTube/Trik Simple

Brilio.net - A dipper is a tool used to collect water in the bathroom. Many people use plastic scoops because they are light in weight and affordable. However, despite its advantages, plastic scoops also easily become mossy because they are often exposed to water.

If the attached moss is not cleaned immediately, it can turn into a stubborn black crust. If that's the case, the dipper will be difficult to clean if you only wash it with a regular sponge and soap. Finally, many are looking for ways to remove this stubborn crust. One way is to rub the surface of the dipper with toothpaste. Without needing to use extra effort, the black crust on the surface of the dipper will disappear by itself.

But if you don't want your stock of toothpaste to go to waste, you can also try another method used by YouTube user Simple Tricks. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he did not use toothpaste. Instead, he uses simple ingredients in the kitchen. Are you curious about how?

An easy way to clean black crust on a dipper.

photo: YouTube/Simple Tricks

Reported by BrilioFood on Tuesday (12/3), the kitchen ingredient used was dishwashing soap. Apart from that, he also used a packet of citrus which is often used as a cleaning agent. These two ingredients will be used as cleaners to remove the black crust on the dipper.

photo: YouTube/Simple Tricks

How to clean it is quite easy. First of all, prepare a bucket. Then fill with water until it is full. If so, pour 1 packet of citrus into the bucket. Then soak the ladle for several hours.

"Leave it (dipper) for around 10-12 hours for maximum results," wrote YouTube user Simple Tricks.

photo: YouTube/Simple Tricks

After soaking for 10-12 hours, prepare enough dish soap in a container. Then rub the black crust on the scoop using a wire wool. Because it had been soaked for a long time, the black crust immediately faded.

"It's not difficult because the crust will immediately peel off," added the YouTube account owner.

photo: YouTube/Simple Tricks

So, when you have rubbed it evenly, rinse the ladle with running water. The appearance becomes shinier and brighter, like new. The ladle that has been cleaned can be used again.

Apart from the scoop, you can also use citrus and dish soap to clean other bathroom equipment, such as plastic buckets. Only with these two ingredients, stubborn black crust can be removed easily. The bathroom equipment has become shiny again.

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