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16 Mei 2024 11:00

Without adding salt, here's a trick for mopping the floor so it's rough, not slippery, and smells good, plus 1 kitchen ingredient

Another way to mop the floor so that the results are rough besides using salt Shahfara Raida
Without adding salt, here's a trick for mopping the floor so it's rough, not slippery, and smells good, plus 1 kitchen ingredient foto: TikTok/@kalvarina

Brilio.net - Mopping the floor is one of the most vital household chores so that the condition of the house remains hygienic. Mopping regularly can make the floor have minimal dust and feel fresh, you know. However, sometimes many people don't know the tricks to mopping, so the floor feels slippery even though it has been mopped.

There are many mopping tricks that you can try at home so that the floor is smooth, not slippery, and smells good. One trick, you can add salt to the floor cleaning liquid mixture. However, if you don't want to use salt, there is still one more trick from TikTok account user @kalvarina, here.

Reported by BrilioFood on Thursday (16/5), the netizen known as Kalvarina said that you only need one additional kitchen ingredient to make the floor rough, non-slip and more fragrant. The first thing you have to prepare is hot water.

The owner of the TikTok account @kalvarina explained that using hot water really makes the process of mopping the floor clean faster. After that, dissolve enough dish soap in the hot water.

Yup, dishwashing soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing this trick of mopping floors so they are rough, not slippery and smell good.

After that, also add enough antiseptic liquid and floor cleaner. Mix well, then dip the mop into it.

photo: TikTok/@kalvarina

Wring out the mop so that it is no longer too wet, then rub the mop over the entire surface of the floor in your house. You can mop starting from the cleanest area to the dirtiest.

For example, starting from the bedroom floor, living room, family room, and finally the kitchen. Finally, if the entire floor of the house has been mopped evenly, just wait until the floor is dry.

photo: TikTok/@kalvarina

So, are you interested in trying a floor mopping trick like this? Taking a peek at @kalvarina's TikTok upload, there are no comments from other netizens yet, but this video has been watched more than 2,000 times.

Tips for saving dish soap.

Many people choose to save dish soap by adding water. In fact, this method can make dishwashing soap lose a lot of foam. So, saving dish soap can be done in several efficient ways. Here are some tips that you can try.

1. Use the right sponge or brush.

Choose a sponge or brush that can produce good foam. Cellulose sponges or soft-bristled brushes are usually more effective at producing lather with less soap.

2. Pre-rinsing method.

Rinse plates and cutlery first to remove food residue before washing them with soap. This helps reduce the amount of soap needed to thoroughly clean dishes.

3. Use a soap dispenser.

Use a soap dispenser that can dispense soap in controlled amounts. A dispenser with a pump that releases a little soap with each pressure can help save on soap use.

4. Use soap on the dirtiest tools.

Start washing the oiliest and dirtiest dishes or utensils first. After that, use the foam on the sponge or brush to wash dishes or tools that are more lightly soiled.

5. Use hot water.

Hot water can help dissolve fats and oils more effectively, requiring less soap to clean dishes.

6. Use the two tub technique.

If you have two sinks, fill one with hot water and soap for washing, and the other with clean water for rinsing. This method ensures efficient use of soap because the soapy water does not mix quickly with food residue and oil.

7. Using solid soap.

Solid dish soap or in bar form is often more economical than liquid soap, because it is easier to control the amount used.

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