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24 Desember 2024 12:00

Using this method, water in a thermos can stay hot for up to 5 days with just 1 simple tool.

Some types of thermoses can only retain heat for a short time, even less than 24 hours. Shahfara Raida
Using this method, water in a thermos can stay hot for up to 5 days with just 1 simple tool.

Brilio.net - Every day, many people routinely consume hot drinks such as hot water, tea, coffee, and others. To get hot water to brew drinks, it can now be done easily thanks to the existence of dispensers. However, not everyone has a dispenser with heating technology. As a result, many still have to boil water first to ensure the availability of hot water stock at home. The remaining unused hot water is usually stored in a thermos to keep it hot longer.

However, some types of thermoses can only retain heat for a short time, even less than 24 hours. Therefore, many people try various tricks to overcome this. One of them is to dismantle the thermos and insert a cloth or styrofoam inside. This cloth or styrofoam is believed to help maintain hot temperatures longer. In contrast to this method, a YouTube user named WandaPanda revealed another trick to keep a thermos hot for up to 5 days using one simple tool.

Tricks to keep thermos hot for up to 5 days.

"The secret to keeping hot water in a thermos long-lasting is that it usually gets cold after 1 or 2 days," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube WandaPanda on Tuesday (24/12).

So, the tool needed to practice this trick is an aerator hose. This hose is often used both to drain water in ponds and aquariums and electric dispensers. Measure the length of the hose to fit the diameter of the thermos lip, then cut it using scissors.

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

After that, one end of the hose can be split a little so that it can be joined with the other end of the hose, so that the hose can be wrapped around the lip of the thermos later. If so, install it on the lip of the thermos and glue it using a glue gun.

Once done, the thermos can be closed tightly. Well, the presence of a hose around the rim of the thermos is very useful for keeping the hot temperature from inside the thermos from easily escaping through the gaps in the thermos lid, you know.

"We will make a modification to the seal of this aerator hose," said a netizen on the WandaPanda YouTube account.

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

How, is this trick to overcome the thermos so that it lasts longer hot really inspiring? Looking at WandaPanda's YouTube upload, there are still not many comments from netizens, but this video has received enthusiasm from more than 300 viewers, you know.

photo: YouTube/WandaPanda

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