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18 Februari 2024 16:29

Using 2 kitchen ingredients, this mom's trick for washing dirty children's school bags makes them shine like new

Pen ink stains, water spills, and other stains usually appear on the surface of the bag as it is used. Nadhifah
YouTube/VRG Fusion

Brilio.net - As a school child, a bag is one of the mandatory items that you must have. Because it is used every day, it is not uncommon for the bag's appearance to become dull or dirty . Not without reason, pen ink stains, water spills, and other stains usually appear on the surface of the bag as it is used.

If you don't clean it regularly, the appearance of your child's school bag will become increasingly dirty. This makes children no longer confident about wearing them to school.

But instead of buying a new bag, it's better to wash your child's school equipment yourself. No need to worry, because washing a dirty child's school bag is fairly easy, you know. The method was demonstrated by YouTube user VRG Fusion.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube VRG Fusion on Sunday (18/2), the two kitchen ingredients used were 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix the two kitchen ingredients in a basin filled with water. Don't forget to add 2-3 tablespoons of powdered detergent, stir until all the ingredients are completely mixed. If so, put the child's school bag into the basin.

photo: YouTube/VRG Fusion

After soaking for a while, it appeared that the water in the child's school bag had turned cloudy. For maximum cleanliness, don't forget to scrub the entire surface of your child's school bag using a brush. Without expending extra effort, stubborn stains on the surface of the bag will immediately fade by themselves.

photo: YouTube/VRG Fusion

In his video upload, this netizen is seen brushing the sides, front, top and bottom of the bag. Well, because it has been soaked in cleaning solution, stains on children's school bags are very easy to remove.

photo: YouTube/VRG Fusion

When it's clean, immediately rinse your child's school bag with running water. While occasionally rubbing to ensure there are no stains or residues of cleaning solution left behind.

photo: YouTube/VRG Fusion

The next process, dry the child's school bag using a washing machine. If so, dry your child's school bag in the sun. Once dry, lift the child's school bag and see the change in appearance.

photo: YouTube/VRG Fusion

The entire surface of the bag shines like new again, right?

Various uses of lemons for food and drinks.

Lemons have various uses that can improve the taste and nutritional value of food. Here are some uses of lemons for food:

1. Provides a fresh taste.

A squeeze of lemon or slices can add a fresh touch to a variety of dishes. The citrus and sourness can provide a refreshing flavor dimension.

2. Natural Flavoring.

Lemons can be used as a natural flavoring without adding salt. Lemon juice can be a healthy, low-salt alternative to enhance the taste of dishes.

3. Marinate.

Lemons are often used as an ingredient in marinating meat, fish or vegetables. The acid can help soften the meat fibers and provide a delicious taste.

4. Sauces and Dressings.

Lemon juice is often used as a base for sauces and dressings. Mixing lemon with olive oil, salt, and other spices creates a fresh dressing that's great for salads or grilled dishes.

5. Sweet and Sour Balancing.

Lemons can be used to balance sweet and sour flavors in dishes, such as cakes, jams or fruit sauces.

6. Avoid Oxidation of Fruits and Vegetables.

Lemon juice can be used to prevent oxidation and discoloration of cut fruits and vegetables, such as apples or avocados.

7. Aroma.

Grated lemon zest or pieces of lemon peel can be used to add a fresh aroma to cake batter, drinks, or other dishes.

8. Natural Sweetener.

Lemons can be used as a natural sweetener for some dishes, reducing the need for added sugar.

9. Drink Refresher.

Lemon juice is often used to add a fresh taste to water, tea or other drinks. Lemon slices are also often used as decoration on drink glasses.

10. Seafood Complementary.

Lemons are perfect for serving with seafood dishes. The acid can provide a delicious contrast to the savory taste of fish or other seafood.

It should be noted that lemon should be used wisely, because its acidic nature can dominate the taste if used excessively. Also, make sure to wash the lemons well before using them to remove pesticide residue and dirt.

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