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30 Juni 2024 11:30

Tricks to trick children into thinking their mother has already eaten, suitable for Mageran people

It's a shame actually, because a mother must try to make delicious and nutritious food for her child. Annathiqotul Laduniyah

Brilio.net - A mother certainly wants the best for her child, including serving nutritious food. For this reason, many mothers think hard every day to create a menu that is delicious, healthy and doesn't make their children bored. This is of course in the hope that the child can eat well and not starve.

Unfortunately, this is sometimes not accompanied by support from the child. In some cases, children tend to be more interested in other foods, instant noodles for example. However, as if he didn't want to see his mother sad and angry if she didn't eat the food he cooked , the child racked his brains so that the food served would look less. In the hope that the mother will think the food has been eaten.

It turns out that netizens who use TikTok @ricardotan21 have experienced this kind of dilemma directly. Through this account, he once shared a video entitled "3 POWERFUL TRICKS to make you think you've eaten". Even though it sounds a bit strange, the tips shared are effective enough to make the mother think she has eaten food at home.

Reported by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @ricardotan21 on Saturday (29/6), the first trick that must be done is to camouflage the rice in the rice cooker. In the 17 second video, he is seen taking rice from the side of the rice cooker. But instead of being transferred to a plate, the rice is actually piled onto the top of other rice in the rice cooker.

photo: TikTok/@ricardotan21

So, the trick so that the rice doesn't look like it's piling up is that the TikTok user seems to be pressing the rice. This is done so that the (additional) rice can combine with the rice in the rice cooker. On the other hand, traces of rice overdrafts on the side will indicate that the portion of rice has been reduced.

The next trick is to disguise the side dishes. He pointed out that the side dishes in the bowl or container could be moved around a little. Make a niche and empty the sides so that the contents appear to be reduced by being taken out. This applies to both wet and dry side dishes.

photo: TikTok/@ricardotan21

Lastly, namely on the plate. In the video, TikTok user @ricardotan21 takes a dry plate that is still clean. Then he immediately wet it with water in the sink. Shortly after being wet, the plate appears to be placed on a drying rack.

photo: TikTok/@ricardotan21

According to TikTok user @ricardotan2, this last step is very important to do. Not without reason, a plate that is wet and has been washed indicates that it has been used for eating. Well, this trick is really suitable for those of you who are lazy about eating or maybe you are too full.

This upload by TikTok user @ricardotan21 immediately caught the attention of netizens and has been watched more than 17 million times. Who would have thought, many other TikTok users would relate to this hilarious trick . Although on the other hand, there are also those who question his unusual behavior.

"Once I sat down and cooked Indomie and then hid the trash in the trash at the bottom, I don't know why I got the trash again," said TikTok @eart.zaa0o.

"My mom is smart bro, do you count on reducing all the side dishes or not," wrote the TikTok account @onlymenother._.

"Don't let my mother watch this," commented the TikTok account @alank.reza.vahlefy.

"He pretended he had eaten, I pretended he hadn't eaten," explained TikTok @lisa70912.

"Tell me why you don't want to eat," said TikTok @bian._.biannn.

URL: https://www.tiktok.com/@ricardotan21/video/7355010700877548805

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