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1 November 2024 05:00

Tricks to remove black, crusty stains on LPG gas hoses, shiny like new again

Oil splashes and dust are automatically lifted. Annathiqotul Laduniyah
Tricks to remove black, crusty stains on LPG gas hoses, shiny like new again YouTube/Fitri Ani

Brilio.net - The gas hose has a function to channel gas from the LPG cylinder to the stove and is usually placed near the cooking area. Gas hose cleanliness maintenance is often neglected compared to stove or gas cylinder maintenance. Gas hoses that are not cleaned regularly will experience a buildup of dirt such as dust, oil splashes, and food scraps until they turn black.

The condition of the gas hose that is left dirty for a long time has the potential to cause rust and complicate the cleaning process. Using dish soap or detergent alone is not effective enough to clean the gas hose. A special method is needed to clean the gas hose so that it is clean again.

A gas hose cleaning tutorial has been shared by a YouTube user named Fitri Ani through her upload. The video explains detailed steps to clean a gas hose that has become dirty and black. The cleaning process requires a combination of dish soap with other additional ingredients.

"We prepare cleaning materials that include citric acid, sunlight (dishwashing soap), and Porstex (bleaching liquid). All of these materials are very easy for you to get at the nearest supermarkets at very affordable prices," said YouTube Fitri Ani, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (10/31).

In addition to the materials, there are also cleaning tools such as old toothbrushes, wire brush or wool, brushes, and buckets. Well, first of all, pour dish soap into a large bucket. Then pour hot water. Also add cold water to make the temperature warmer.

photo: YouTube/Fitri Ani

"It is highly recommended to use warm water because it will remove any traces or oil splashes that are stuck, so that the dirt on the hose can be easily cleaned," he explained further.

Then insert the gas hose into the soaking water. This time Fitri cleaned the hose by rubbing it with her hands. In this process, make sure the gas hose clamp is removed, okay?

photo: YouTube/Fitri Ani

After that, separate the spiral gas sleeve from the gas hose. Then clean the gas hose by rubbing it with a brush or wire wool. Once clean, rinse and dry the gas hose.

Next, clean the spiral casing also using a kosok or wire wool. Rub it repeatedly until the dirt falls off while continuing to rinse with the warm water. Then, rinse again with running water.

photo: YouTube/Fitri Ani

In another container, pour a little citric acid and Porstex, then stir using a brush. After that, apply the liquid to the entire spiral casing. Let it sit for about 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, clean the casing using an old brush and wire wool. During this process, it is advisable to wear gloves because the mixture of liquids can potentially cause a burning sensation and irritation to the skin.

"To clean furniture using Porstex, citric acid, it is highly recommended to use gloves. So that irritation does not occur due to direct contact with this liquid," explained Fitri.

photo: YouTube/Fitri Ani

Keep rubbing the gas casing until the dirt falls off. After that, rinse it thoroughly in running water. Finally, dry the casing in the sun so that it is completely dry. You can reinstall the casing and gas if both are completely dry.

Viewed more than 18 thousand times, Fitri Ani's video has also received attention from netizens. Among them, many netizens admitted to being grateful because they got new knowledge after watching the video.

"Thank you, sis. Very useful," said YouTube Sulastri Abdullah.

"Thank you for the knowledge, I really like it," said YouTuber Bu Misti.

"Thank you for the tutorial on how to clean LPG gas," wrote YouTuber Wahyu Imannudin.

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